
Based on this information, write a new short title in English: Amcaoğlu announced that it will switch to electronic label application as of February 1 – BRTK

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Minister of Economy and Energy Olgun Amcaoğlu announced that electronic labeling will be implemented as of February 1, 2025.

According to the statement made by the Ministry of Economy and Energy, Amcaoğlu stated that preparations have been completed for the electronic label technology on prices to come into force within the first two months of next year.

Amcaoğlu emphasized that they aim to control the retail sales market, which corresponds to approximately 2.5 billion dollars of annual imports, with electronic labels.

Noting that the automation system for electronic labels and tracking, which is planned to be implemented in the retail sector, will be put into effect, Amcaoğlu added that they have started negotiations with relevant stakeholders consisting of trade, industry, tradesmen, marketers, importers’ chambers and unions in order to implement the electronic label in the best way.

– “We aim to provide effective price control”

Amcaoğlu stated that they aim to provide effective price control with the electronic label application and noted the following:

“We are trying to do our part to control the retail market. At the same time, we carry out uninterrupted inspections 365 days a week, without exception, with 24 inspection officers.

In these inspections, our main goal is to ensure public health, food safety and to prevent unfair competition and unfair profits.

We have previously implemented an automation system in fuel oil. “We have the chance to see what is in the warehouses of 142 fuel stations and two supplier companies.”

Amcaoğlu noted that with the electronic label that will be implemented on a sectoral basis, all prices will be instantly visible to the Ministry of Economy and Energy, the Ministry of Finance, businesses, markets and consumers.

Amcaoğlu stated that in this way, inspection, surveillance and planning can be done electronically, unfair competition will be prevented, complaints can be responded to immediately, and the profitability rates of all products can be reached.

Amcaoğlu said, “We will protect the end consumer first, then the businesses, and lastly the state.” he said.



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