
Based on this information, write a new short title in English: Warning to the news site from the Media Ethics Board – BRTK

According to this information, write a new article in English:

The Media Ethics Board announced that it unanimously decided to issue a warning to the Turkish Cypriot News Site regarding the news titled “After the South, trials are in the pipeline in the North” published on December 5.

The Board also decided to remove the news in question from access on the grounds that it violates the presumption of innocence, violates personal rights and the principle of objectivity, and based on the principle of “respecting the right to refute and reply” in Article 11 of the Declaration on Internet Journalism, the request made by the lawyer of the person mentioned in the news He called for the denial text to be published in the newspaper.

In the statement made by the Media Ethics Board, it was noted that following the complaint submitted to the Board by Izzi Okray, the lawyer of the person mentioned in the news, the Board evaluated the news and determined that the published news contained violations of the Professional Principles of Journalism.

– “Press ethics necessitates the protection of individuals’ rights and respect for personal rights.”

In the statement, the following statements were made regarding the detected irregularities:

“During the review, it was determined that the article 4 of the Professional Principles of Journalism, the principle of “Presumption of Innocence”, was clearly violated.
It was understood that the person mentioned in the news content was declared guilty, although his guilt was not determined. This situation damages the personal rights of the person concerned and creates a perception of guilt in the public without a court decision.
Press ethics necessitates the protection of individuals’ rights and respect for personal rights. The fact that no one can be declared guilty unless his guilt is proven by a judicial decision and that he has the right to a fair trial is one of the basic principles of press ethics.
On the other hand, it is also seen that the allegations in the news were published without verifying their accuracy. This situation violates the first article of the Professional Principles of Journalism, “Objectivity and Impartiality”. News must be based on proven information and presented in an unbiased manner. “Publishing the news in this way is misleading to the public.”



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