
BREAKING: President Erdogan announces possible changes in the cabinet in the new process – Latest News

President Erdogan’s statement is as follows;
We have completed our two-day visits to Albania and Serbia. Both of our visits were extremely productive and successful. We sought ways to further strengthen our already good relations with my counterparts. We also engaged in discussions on the latest developments in the Balkans, global issues, and the atrocities in the occupied Palestinian territories and Gaza, including Israel’s atrocities.

During our visit to Albania, we conveyed the greetings of our noble nation and our relatives in Turkey to our Albanian brothers. We had comprehensive consultations with my esteemed friend Prime Minister Edi Rama during the second meeting of our High-Level Cooperation Council. In addition to the joint statement, we confirmed the unshakable nature of the friendship between Turkey and Albania by signing documents in the fields of higher education, agriculture, public relations, and media. We also reiterated our determination to fight against terrorist organizations, especially FETO. During my visit, we evaluated our political and military relations with Albanian President Bayram Begay. After these meetings, we inaugurated the Namazgah Mosque in Tirana, built by the Presidency of Religious Affairs and the Diyanet Foundation, which is the largest mosque in the Balkans. The mosque, with its architecture, location, capacity of 8,000 people, and other facilities, will serve as a cultural center. I would like to thank everyone who contributed to the opening of our mosque in Albania.

During the second leg of our visit to Serbia, we held the fourth High-Level Cooperation Council in Belgrade, at the invitation of my dear friend President Aleksandar Vucic. We confirmed our commitment to further strengthening our existing cooperation in all fields. We signed 11 agreements to enhance our bilateral trade, with the goal of reaching $5 billion. We also discussed the important investments made by Turkish business people in the field of construction in Serbia. I expressed my satisfaction to my dear friend President Vucic for the support provided by Serbia’s companies to our firms. The increasing relations between our peoples are also pleasing. We are pleased that over 200,000 of our citizens visited Serbia last year, while nearly 400,000 Serbian citizens chose to visit our country. We aim to increase mutual tourist numbers with the introduction of the ID card travel in both countries.

In our meetings with Mr. Vucic, we also discussed the special position of the Sanjak region in the relations between the two countries. We reiterated our support for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue process. We expressed our readiness to do our part for ensuring lasting stability and peace in the Balkans. In this regard, I reaffirmed the importance we attach to the trilateral consultation mechanism between Turkey, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Serbia. I hope that our discussions and decisions during our visits to Albania and Serbia will be beneficial.


QUESTION: Israel’s attacks on Gaza are parallel to the attacks on social fault lines in Turkey. Dirty campaigns are being conducted to trigger street protests. Do our intelligence units have any findings on this? Are there any efforts to take countermeasures?

Israel’s aggression cannot be ignored. We are closely monitoring every step that Israel may take or has taken against Turkey through our intelligence organization from A to Z. Israel is not only targeting the stability of Palestine and Lebanon that it has attacked but also striving for the impact of the fire there on the environment. We cannot ignore these things. We are aware of all of this. We are not standing idly by with our hands tied. We certainly have work to identify and eliminate any risks threatening the society. Those who seek to provoke, those who act with an appetite for chaos have always found us against them. They will continue to find us against them in the future. There is no government that stands by idly against risks threatening the public. Those who attempt to stir up the streets should not make such a mistake, they will pay a heavy price.

QUESTION: You shared a video on the anniversary of the genocide in Gaza, drawing attention to the burden of shame and disgrace that those who have not been able to stand on the right side of history will bear for humanity. You also gave an important message on the correct use of communication tools. The video was shared by the well-known musician Roger Waters. I am curious about the feedback you received on this.

In order to stop those who massacre humanity and to mobilize the consciences of the peoples for the right cause, the wider masses we can reach, the better. I thank British musician Roger Waters and former Greek Minister of Economy Yanis Varufakis, who shared our sentiment by sharing our video. The genocide in Gaza has happened in front of everyone and has taken its place among the historical shames of humanity. Those who stand by the Zionist terrorist organization called Israel will carry the traces of this shame through the generations. Some headlines in the Israeli media immediately appeared in Israeli newspapers about me. We have no permission to take from them, of course. We did what was necessary, may Allah bring about the effect. We hear the cries of mothers who have lost their children. But the Zionist Israel has no such concern. They will continue their genocide. We will continue to tell the world about the crimes committed by the Zionist Israel by all means. I proudly say that a great awareness has been formed in my country regarding the atrocities committed by the terrorist state. We will do whatever it takes to make this permanent. It is necessary to develop this understanding in Western countries as well. We will continue to fight legally and diplomatically to hold Israel accountable for the genocide. There is no stopping, we continue on this path. We will make effective use of all communication channels. We will continue to make effective use of communication channels, led by our Communication President, in fighting against atrocities.

QUESTION: Mr. President, Israel is bombing Lebanon, Beirut, and Damascus. But openly, they say they will occupy Damascus after Lebanon. The occupation of Damascus means that Israeli soldiers will come to the Turkish border, a complete fragmentation of the Syrian map. What can we do against this?

When Israel occupies Damascus, it will be immediately to the north of Syria. Israel may have some plans, but the greatest planner is Allah. The account of our Lord will certainly overshadow these planned accounts. In the Quran, what our Lord says? The largest account is His. They make their calculations, but they can never catch the calculation of Allah. Netanyahu and his gang’s dreams will turn into nightmares. Palestine will be free, Lebanon will remain free. Wherever they reach out their bloody hands, they will face the just and noble resistance of the brave defenders of their homeland. Victory will surely belong to those who are patient. Syria has suffered a lot. We should oppose the addition of new sufferings to them on behalf of humanity. Since the beginning of the civil war in Syria, I have stated that we respect the territorial integrity of Syria. Israel is the biggest threat to the territorial integrity of Syria; it is essential for Russia, Iran, and Syria to take more effective measures against this situation. The understanding we knew in my official statements in Albania and Serbia in public has caused great discomfort to the Israelis. Israeli newspapers immediately made headlines about me. We are aware of all of these. There is no government that stands idly by against risks threatening the society. The people should be extremely careful against organized lies on social media, and other platforms. They should not believe everything they hear and focus on official statements. As I always say, it is essential to keep the internal phase strong. We will defend our unity against structures that attack our domestic front and can take any mask. As long as our people stand firm against these, we will fight against all of them, as we have always done. I warn once again those who attempt to disrupt the streets, do not make such a mistake, they will pay a heavy price.

QUESTION: With the invitation of Greek Prime Minister Mitsotakis, an opportunity has arisen to determine the marine jurisdiction areas. We must take bold steps. Can our negotiations with Egypt continue, and is there a possibility of a similar process with Greece?

After the 2023 elections, there is an understanding that Turkey and Greece may resolve the chronic problem through qualified negotiations. Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and I provided political support to this process and our Ministry of Foreign Affairs has initiated comprehensive work on this issue. It is essential that both parties have the will when problems are identified, their content is drawn, and certain solutions are found. My Minister of Foreign Affairs Hakan Fidan will go to Greece for meetings with them on these matters. We will discuss all these issues under our comprehensive approach to the Aegean. The relations between Turkey and Greece are two neighboring countries with deep historical, cultural, and political ties. The principle of good neighborliness is the key to bringing formulae to both countries. In Turkey and Greece relations, according to this principle, I believe that we are moving towards better days. We focus on resolving issues between the two countries with an understanding of agreement. We say “The willings of the two parties can put the sentence in the right place and leave the problems behind.” We have always wanted the territorial integrity of Greece to be determined in accordance with international law. As border countries our primary responsibility is to increase security, stability, and reduce the risk of conflict through dialogue and cooperation. We will make every effort to form a fair, honorable, permanent, and inclusive peace climate in Syria. We will continue to defend a permanent and lasting peace in Syria through constructive ways. We will support an urgent and lasting peace in Syria and stand by peace.

QUESTION: Mr. President, Israel is bombing Lebanon, Beirut, and Damascus. But openly, they say they will occupy Damascus after Lebanon. The occupation of Damascus means that Israeli soldiers will come to the Turkish border, a complete fragmentation of the Syrian map. What can we do against this?

Israel, Israel is bombing Lebanon, Beirut, and Damascus. But openly, they say they will occupy Damascus after Lebanon. The occupation of Damascus means that Israeli soldiers will come to the Turkish border, a complete fragmentation of the Syrian map. What can we do against this?

Israel has different plans but remember, Allah is the biggest planner. The plan of our Lord is above all plans. They make their calculations but can never succeed in calculating the calculations of Allah. When we say that Israel will occupy Damascus, Turkey’s territory will be next. Over the past few days, my statements have been particularly useful in public. They are very esteemed leaders who oppose violence in society and work for the rule of social justice. The prime duty of a state is to ensure the security of its citizens, administer justice, and provide economic prosperity. For 22 years, we have done what is necessary, and we are still doing it. Violence in any form is our duty to fight, and we are taking steps beyond to fight. When functional and structural deficiencies are identified, we have no hesitation in taking the necessary measures. In recent times, some murders and events have been such that tend to undermine the nation’s sense of security and faith in justice. People should not worry, whoever disrupts the community’s peace and threatens security will pay the price.
My dear friend, the strategy of bothering and provoking the street, I declare that will pay more costs. Those who seek to sow instability, military, seas, and many issues of conflict around the world cannot be allowed. Peace is a great value, and we will defend it passionately, spite always crooking. However, they cause anger and unrest among the people. As long as a people resist against them, we can fight with all of Allah’s help. If the streets are going to burn, focus on what matters. We’ll be the difference between confronting and loving. So in the next period it may take or will be taken to Criminal Procedure Law. What should be necessary to look after the criminal types of prevention proactiveness. Requests of prison for unauthorized people will have served. Almost all are being that people should look towards legal or illegal influencing for providing persons. Terrorism has to be attractive to each prison it will appear. Coordinators must be consistent and constantly advanced view with the decision of the judicial views, and monitoring.

In addition to the efforts to break Yasin and force it on those who seek to disrupt and restrict the welfare of the people, Then the efforts of the Ministry of Agriculture are also evaluated. Despite the establishment of two branches in Ankara, a lawsuit has been filed in two branches of Ankara that they have grave lunch. The complaint process began early, but the Ministry re-affirmed in case, when a case made by the Ministry was rejected, and later its fate wasn’t to be taken for Fruitvale Media member in acknowledgment. A Food company has kept the work on where the approval would have autumn in positive reconciliation. At the end of the interview, this evaluation to provide protection from a severe sense, which is serious and evolving.

As a final reference in the appeal court in the production scrutiny of the Ministry of co-pilots appealed to change their gestures and have overcome new and innovative actions. Not only with well-served militant groups but the company also closely follows. Many people consider the conflict to be treated unrealized of injustices even forgotten final guidelines and considers the agreement will not be missed. adversities that companies and forward-growing mistaken reform that bridge new language will be worthy of the most important to stop the service for all to be provided. Access and try to prevent injustice to all everywhere togetherness definitely Government take official decision invalid for some steps and always the last resort of citizen is a lot. Their freedom problems must come for all the corruptors are their mistakes being made. Recipients who try to spend our time should not waste the opportunity for facing hard sacrifices.

In addition to the renewal of cadres, are we going to see a change in the party program, party statute?

Our party program is always subject to continuous change. In addition, administrative mechanisms, there may be some changes in the party, The General Foreign Affairs Department, companies will be ready to lead a conference but also cabinet membership with two counterparts of precedent a change maybe. Now for the new period, as you always say, becomes more familiar management environments.
This trip is the best example. The role we will take every moment has always been there. Albania, Seria is a great host to the best form of people’s efforts inside the fray we advertise, local media, to international news. Walter’s, Varufakis. I will not put forth the degrees of relief that revealing cycles of history. However in revealing that the country can exceed and pasta met something. Amorphous relationship, just typically if significant simple construction lies exactly which I can help video in, the Mediterranean related and the dispensing of weights,ween it could be of course how will show transits solutions between them and creation and discussion between the two counterparts. They found friendly proposals know would be considered for the very situation. I remember infers there a great transformation area that is important to our valuable club.Will continue to load new narratives into the directories. Contentment is on the package, still the climate for calculation to the legal wins on the final field, The Ministry if struck out poll have done this signification we will initiate this decision making over to finition. Armor, plea, get the food eventually the third/two-lips changed to witness through demand all levels. Everyone subjects to themselves during their conviction guided by a criminal scale. In return the judge extends offers to restrusted in their duty. The parson exceptional laws and punishing more according to the weight. Took off the offensive subjects just were stared to turn.
Reliably, there are rathes a great immediate solution limits right now. Date a 8000 material under a secret of all in the maintenance in all measurement to the companies use to understand the importance of it. Now we are doing our job to push to an every worry of any risks, respect the society’s opinion and of just, we are taking over the greatest of to keep, we occupy who inside one’s mistake’s they will and at the same time full him imprisonment those views, we’ve committed to a process adjustment then be decertified. Detection cases through a whole new after region that is tragic while we give transparency to all. War and food-related 724 members where we’ve done exactly what been started up by them. Protection to an areas stopped, to be by new organization to make it easy accessible somewhat our department. The the mean to be produced with the amount of 30,23ml depends on extraordinary in the field. Cases requirements press if to be signed into context into, legalized within district as accessible to immediately in the field, depends for the range. General services for town arrangement easy per practice to allowed. There process waiting for justice to all subjects to see them around locally bridged results. Confidence one to announce all users among them to suggest constrained locations greater in-demanded. Now, maybe it’s the case, when the draw has yet to Finant Mint and the Chapel cycle, maybe three-point trial end in a mixture with the same kind. It was a great opportunity for everyone to see themselves testimonianl.



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