
Challenges in Meeting Rising Energy Demand with Renewables

The demand for electricity in Hungary has reached record highs this year, with the system load peak being broken twice already. This highlights the growing need for energy in the country, as well as in neighboring nations where renewable energy sources are proving insufficient to meet the demand.

On January 20, a new record of 7,663 megawatts was set at 12:15 p.m., surpassing the previous record of 7,503 megawatts set on January 15. Imports accounted for a significant portion of the peak demand, with most coming from Slovakia and Austria, while Hungary also exported electricity to Romania.

To meet the increasing demand for electricity, investments such as the expansion of the Paks nuclear power plant are crucial. The Paks II project aims to add new units to the existing plant, increasing its capacity to ensure a stable power supply in the future. In addition to nuclear power, the construction of new gas-fired and pumped storage power plants is also necessary to balance out the fluctuations in renewable energy sources.

The Paks II project is being closely monitored by international nuclear organizations and is expected to cost around €12.5 billion. The first concrete pour for the project is scheduled for March, marking a significant milestone in Hungary’s energy infrastructure development.

As the demand for electricity continues to rise in the region, countries like Slovakia, Austria, and Romania are also facing challenges in meeting their energy needs. Importing electricity from neighboring countries has become essential to maintain a stable power supply during peak periods.

In conclusion, ensuring a secure and reliable energy supply is crucial for the future of Hungary and its neighbors. Investments in diverse energy sources, including nuclear, gas, and renewables, are key to meeting the growing demand for electricity and reducing dependence on imports in the coming years.



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