
‘In babies, hip dislocation can be prevented with scans 6 weeks after birth’

OMU Faculty of Medicine Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology Lecturer Assoc. Dr. Hüseyin Sina Coşkun stated that hip dislocation is an important disease caused by the failure of the socket and ball joints of the hips to form properly in infants or young children. Assoc. Dr. Coşkun said, “Hip dislocation is a preventable disease. After the baby is 6 weeks old, it should be scanned with an ultrasound image. Genetic factors are effective. Especially in girls and if it is the first child, the risk factor is high. One of the two legs of the child with hip dislocation becomes short, and there is a delay in walking. It must be treated,” he said.


Assoc. Dr. Hüseyin Sina Coşkun said, “Congenital dislocation of the hip or developmental dysplasia of the hip used to be a common disease in Turkey. However, this rate dropped significantly with ultrasonographic examinations and the chance for treatment became available after early diagnosis. Congenital dislocation of the hip, especially in girls a condition. If it is the first child, a girl, and a breech birth, the risk of developmental hip dislocation has increased. If there is a family history of hip dislocation, this is among genetic factors and the risk of congenital hip dislocation is slightly increased. It may appear as shortness, especially on one side. Inequality and asymmetry of the lines on the leg can be seen. When the child starts to walk, limping is a finding that needs attention. In addition, limited movement of the hip on one side during the newborn and walking periods, especially in the lateral opening, which we call abduction, can be severely limited. comes,” he said.


Assoc. Dr. Coşkun said, “In the treatment phase, in the sixth week after birth, hip ultrasonography is routinely performed and if an abnormality is detected here, the treatment begins. First of all, bandage treatments and orthotic treatments are used. These can be used up to 6 months. lameness is a condition that needs attention, especially since these children are starting to walk in the next treatments. Lameness can also remain in adults, and hip replacement surgery may be required in later ages, especially in adults. Since the disease is common, scans should be done and we should keep in mind should be kept,” he said.

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A lecturer in the Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology at OMU Faculty of Medicine, Assoc. Dr. Hüseyin Sina Coşkun, has emphasized the importance of early diagnosis and treatment of hip dislocation in infants and young children. He stated that after the baby is six weeks old, it should be scanned with an ultrasound image to prevent the disease, which can be caused by a failure of the hip joints to develop properly. Assoc. Dr. Coşkun noted that genetic factors are effective, and that one of the two legs of the child with hip dislocation may become short, resulting in a delay in walking. He also warned about inequalities in the leg lines and limited hip movement, and stated that bandage and orthotic treatments can be used up to six months, while hip replacement surgery may be required in later ages.

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