“Meet the 28th Term MP Candidates of Kırşehir: AK Party, CHP, MHP, IYI Party, and Green Left Party”
People in Kırşehir are gearing up for the parliamentary elections and searching for information about the candidates of the political parties who will compete for two seats in the province. Kırşehir, with a population of more than 240,000, is expected to have a high level of competition between parties due to its population. The province comprises seven districts, including Kırşehir (province centre), Akçakent, Akpınar, Boztepe, Çiçekdağı, Kaman and Mucur.
The list of candidates for the 28th Term Parliamentary elections in Kırşehir features 10 political parties. The parties are the AK Party, CHP, MHP, IYI Party, the Green Left Party, the Party of Rights and Freedoms, Communist Party of Turkey, Communist Movement in Turkey, Workers’ Party of Turkey, and the Homeland Party.
The AK Party candidates are Necmettin Erkan, a higher general manager-public and Osman Arslan, high other expert medical doctors. The candidates for the CHP are Metin Ilhan, higher medical doctor, and Şeref Baran, young high pharmacist. The MHP’s candidates are Ali Aydın Akpınar, high lawyer, and Mehmet Ay, the medium business person.
The IYI Party’s candidates are Bilal Çağrı Kaya, high lawyer and Ali Yaşar, high accountant. The Green Left Party is represented by Mustafa Karaman, highly retired and Behiye Akyol, first housewife.
The Party of Rights and Freedoms has one female and one male candidate; Ayşe Sevinç Uyanık and Celal Deniz, highly retired. On the other hand, the Communist Party of Turkey and Communist Movement in Turkey choose ABDULKADIR DAGESTAN and HANDAN SEVİM DEMİRAYAK, and ABDULHALİM YILDIRIM and ÖZER ÇELİK respectively.
The Workers’ Party of Turkey puts forward Sinan Yıldırım, middle worker, and Fündağül Demirkol, high author. The Homeland Party is represented by İzzethan Yavuz, high business person and Muharrem Akalan, the medium business person.
Finally, the Power Union Party has Muhsin Cedemir, medium journalist, and Ali İhsan Çorlu, first textile, as their candidates; the National Road Party has Şevket Göçer, medium business person and Murat Karaca, medium contractor; Vatan Party has Volkan Kılıçaslan, high software, and İlker Özkamalı, higher education; People’s Liberation Party has Ceren Yağmur Torun, high worker, and Bayram Karkın, high worker; and finally, the Good Party has Turan Yıldırım, high businessman, and Asaf Kayaoğlu, master engineer, in the race.
The number of available male candidates is 18, while the number of female candidates is six. The elections will be held on June 25.