
The Journey to Statehood: Honoring the Sacrifices of Mujahids, Veterans, and Martyrs

President Ersin Tatar Visits Families of Martyrs on Eid al-Adha

President Ersin Tatar made a special visit to the families of martyrs on the occasion of Eid al-Adha. Among the families visited were those of Turkish Resistance Organization (TMT) member Mehmet Çakır, TBK Veteran Selami Savaş, Mehmet Hüseyin Büyük, Nahit Salih, and Hasan Nahit.

During his visits, President Tatar emphasized the importance of remembering and honoring the sacrifices made by the Turkish Cypriots in the past. He highlighted the struggle for existence that has allowed the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus to thrive independently and peacefully today.

President Tatar spoke about the upcoming 50th anniversary of the Cyprus Peace Operation on July 20, stating that without the military intervention at that time, Cyprus would have become a Hellenic Island. He stressed the significance of the continued guarantorship of the Republic of Turkey and the presence of the Turkish military in ensuring the security and stability of the region.

Looking ahead, President Tatar mentioned the start of new negotiations based on the sovereign equality and equal international status of the Turkish Cypriots. He affirmed that the Turkish Cypriot side is committed to pursuing a solution with the full support of the Republic of Turkey.

The families of the martyrs expressed their gratitude for the President’s visit, showing their support for the policies being implemented. TMT Mehmet Çakır and TBK Veteran Selami Savaş also expressed their happiness at the visit, recognizing the continued support from the government towards veterans and their families.

As President Tatar reaffirmed his dedication to honoring the memory of martyrs and supporting their families, the solidarity and unity among the Turkish Cypriot community continue to stand strong.



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