
126 Members of Parliament Sworn In

The 2024 Parliamentary Elections in Mongolia: New Members Elected and Sworn In

The regular election of the 2024 Parliament of Mongolia took place on June 28, 2024, with an impressive turnout of 69.85 percent. This election was particularly significant as it saw the election of 126 members for the first time, following recent amendments to the Constitution of Mongolia.

After the election results were tallied, the General Election Committee held a meeting on June 30 to determine the next steps. They decided to issue ID cards to the 78 candidates who received the highest number of votes in each district, as well as 48 members based on the results of the party coalition.

On July 1, 2024, the General Election Committee issued temporary ID cards to the winning candidates. The next day, July 2, marked the very first session of the new Parliament, where the 126 newly elected members took their oath of office. The session was opened by the President of Mongolia, U.Khurelsukh, who delivered a speech to kick off the parliamentary term.

The new Parliament is now officially in session, with a diverse group of members representing the interests and voices of the Mongolian people. As they embark on their legislative duties, they will work to address the pressing issues facing the country and strive to enact positive change for the benefit of all citizens.


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