
130,000 University Applications Received

A record number of 129,730 people applied for higher education institutions in Hungary this year, according to the head of the Ministry of Culture and Innovation in the Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences located in Gödöllő.

Balázs Hankó declared that the results of the 2025 higher education admission procedure brought the highest number of applications in Hungary in the last 13 years. He added that the number of applications had already exceeded 120,000 in 2023 and 2024, but this year it was close to 130,000.

“The 57% increase in the number of applicants for higher education from vocational education and training compared to 2022 is a success of the renewed higher education model in 2022,” said the Minister.

He explained that this increase in enrollments was also due to government measures to help students. One such measure, introduced last year, is that mothers and fathers under 30 who have children receive state scholarships and have to be provided with an individual study program.

Balázs Hankó stated that Hungary currently has 12 universities in the top 5% of the world’s top universities. The number of applicants from disadvantaged regions has increased by 50% compared to 2022, emphasizing that Hungarian universities give a chance to everyone.

He announced that “the number of applicants over 30 has increased by 45% compared to 2022, which means that one in four applicants was over 30.” He added that 31,966 people over the age of 30 applied for higher education in 2025. He noted that the oldest applicants were aged 81 and 83.

In a Facebook post, the Minister highlighted the value of a higher education degree, stating that it adds value, increases wages, thanks to the popularity, success, and international competitiveness of Hungarian universities.

Overall, the surge in applications for higher education in Hungary reflects the growing interest in pursuing academic studies and the success of government initiatives aimed at supporting students from various backgrounds.



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