
177 Years Ago: The Birth of Hungarian Freedom

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán recently delivered a powerful speech in front of the National Museum in Budapest, commemorating the 1848-49 Hungarian revolution. In his address, Orbán emphasized the importance of Hungarian freedom and sovereignty, declaring that he would not compromise on Ukraine’s potential European Union membership if it came at the expense of Hungarians.

Orbán highlighted the resilience and determination of the Hungarian people throughout history, noting that the fight for freedom has always been a core value for Hungarians. He stated that the Hungarian nation demands peace, freedom, and unity from Brussels, outlining 12 key points that mirror the demands of the Hungarian revolutionary movement in 1848.

The Prime Minister asserted that Hungary has built Europe’s only patriotic national economy in the past 15 years, despite facing challenges such as the Russian-Ukrainian war. He criticized Brussels for seeking to colonize Ukraine and emphasized the importance of national sovereignty and the protection of Hungary’s borders.

Orbán’s speech underscored the enduring spirit of the Hungarian people in the face of external pressures and emphasized the need for unity and solidarity within Europe. As Hungary continues to assert its independence and fight for its values, Orbán’s message resonated with many who gathered to hear his address in front of the National Museum.

The Prime Minister’s remarks serve as a reminder of Hungary’s historical struggles for freedom and sovereignty, reinforcing the nation’s commitment to its principles and identity. As Hungary navigates its path forward, Orbán’s words encapsulate the enduring spirit of the Hungarian people in the pursuit of their rights and freedoms.



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