
360 Design Budapest Showcases Over 200 Unique Artworks

360 Design Budapest Exhibition Showcases Over 200 Design Objects and Works of Art

The Hungarian Fashion and Design Agency (HFDA) is organizing the 360 Design Budapest exhibition, which will feature over two hundred design objects and works of art. The exhibition will take place from October 15 to 20 in the former waiting room of the Budapest Nyugati station.

This event, now in its fifth edition, aims to showcase the works of both international and Hungarian designers. The goal is to introduce the public to the values and opportunities of the design and creative sector, highlighting the high quality and cultural diversity of Hungarian and international object culture along with its centuries-old traditions.

The HFDA has curated three exhibition categories – Brand Product, Collectible Design, and Prototypes and/or Digital Designs – to provide a platform for emerging creators, designers, and students of industry and fine arts. A panel of professional judges selected the most exceptional entries from over 90 submissions. Additionally, the HFDA’s special application for emerging creators, designers, and artists has enabled almost 30 young talents to showcase their work to the public this year.

The Budapest Nyugati station will provide ample space for the exhibition, offering a unique setting to display the entries and highlighting the rich history of the historic site. The curatorial concept of the exhibition will explore the cultural depths of Hungarian applied art and design, showcasing how contemporary designers reinterpret the rich traditions of Art Nouveau and Art Deco while focusing on the circular economy and sustainable solutions.

The 360 Design Budapest exhibition will not only strengthen the connections between contemporary Hungarian design brands, industrial and fine artists but also serve as a meeting point and professional platform for various local and international creative industries. Zsófia Jakab, CEO of HFDA, emphasized the importance of showcasing the intersection of design and arts at such events to enhance the creative ecosystem, ultimately contributing to the industry’s competitiveness and internationalization.

Moreover, the Hungarian Fashion and Design Agency is dedicated to education and knowledge sharing. They will offer free, experience-based guided tours for students and teachers of vocational training and higher education institutions.

As in previous years, prominent figures from the international press have been invited to attend the event, providing a diverse tour of Budapest’s iconic sites, cultural heritage, and gastronomic highlights. The exhibition promises to be a celebration of creativity, innovation, and cultural exchange, highlighting the vibrancy of the design and creative sector in Hungary and beyond.



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