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36,750 Donors’ Sacrifice Share Delivered to Palestinians

The Turkish Presidency of Religious Affairs and the Turkish Religious Foundation (TDV) have joined forces to organize a Proxy Sacrifice Program in support of the Palestinian people who have been suffering from Israel’s attacks on Gaza since October 7, 2023. The program, under the slogan “Be Hope for Palestine with Your Victims,” aims to provide assistance to those in need during this difficult time.

Counselor Mehmet Bilgin from the Presidency of Religious Affairs and TDV Palestine-Egypt Coordinator Mahmut Temelli traveled to Cairo, Egypt, to provide training to volunteers who will be working on the ground. Temelli briefed the volunteers on the regions where they will be working and outlined important considerations for the sacrifices.

For the first time this year, the Sacrifice Program has been organized by Proxy for Palestine. Counselor Mehmet Bilgin emphasized that sacrificial donations entrusted to the Turkish Religious Foundation will be delivered directly to Palestinian families in need. With thousands of Palestinians being affected by the recent attacks and facing displacement and hardship, the program aims to provide essential support to those in need.

Under the program, a total of 5,250 cattle will be slaughtered in Egypt and Lebanon on behalf of 36,750 donors. The meat from these sacrifices will be preserved and sent to Palestinian families in need as quickly as possible, given the current circumstances with border closures.

Bilgin expressed gratitude to the donors and volunteers who have contributed to this important initiative. The Proxy Sacrifice Program for Palestine is a testament to the solidarity and support extended by the Turkish government and its people to the Palestinian community during this challenging time.



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