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4.4 Magnitude Earthquake in Campi Flegrei, Italy Sparks Concern

The National Geophysics and Volcanology Institute (INGV) reported a 4.4 magnitude earthquake in the central base of Bagnoli and Pozzuoli at 01.25 local time. The earthquake, which was felt in surrounding provinces such as Naples and Campi Flegrei, is said to be the strongest jolt in recent years.

The aftershocks following the earthquake caused concern among local residents, leading many people to spend the night in the streets and gathering areas. Damage was reported in Bagnoli, with some cars falling and rubble causing damage, and some houses having windows and doors trapped.

As a result of the earthquake, schools in some districts of Naples, Pozzuoli, and Bagnoli announced a suspension for one day. Local authorities are continuing to assess the damage to buildings, with reports of small-scale damage to churches and other structures.

Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and other government officials closely monitored the situation following the earthquake in Campi Flegrei. The government had recently updated emergency plans for the area, known as a high-risk area for earthquakes, with plans set for public release in 2023.

The community is working together to support those affected by the earthquake and to ensure the safety and well-being of residents in the region.



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