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5 Critical Topics on the Cabinet Agenda

Erdogan’s cabinet will meet to discuss minimum wage negotiations, as well as recent terrorist attacks in Iraq and israel’s bombardment of Gaza. The impact of the new wage on the economy and the support to be given to employers will be discussed. Civil servant and pension salaries, the fight against inflation, cross-border terrorist operations and Israel’s attack on Gaza will also be discussed. The cabinet meeting is expected to cover a wide range of domestic and foreign issues that are currently hot topics. The meeting is an important milestone for the government as it will start the process for the increases to be made to civil servants and retirees at the beginning of the year, as well as discussing potential actions against the recent terrorist attacks and Israel’s prolonged attack on Gaza. Another issue to be talked about is the completion of Sweden’s NATO membership process. The last cabinet meeting of the year is shaping up as a pivotal event for the government.


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