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658 Million Tons of Rare Soil Element Reserve Discovered

Russia’s Ministry of Natural Resources recently released a statement highlighting the country’s significant rare earth element reserves. These rare soil elements possess a complex structure, making it challenging to extract them from the ore. However, Russia boasts an impressive 29 different rare earth elements and a total reserve of 658 million tons.

Rare earth elements are vital components in various high-tech products and industries, from smartphones and electric vehicles to defense technology. With the increasing global demand for these elements, Russia’s substantial reserves could play a crucial role in meeting this demand.

Furthermore, the Ministry’s statement underscores the importance of responsible extraction and management of these valuable resources. By efficiently utilizing and conserving rare earth elements, Russia can contribute to sustainable development while also benefiting economically from their abundance.

As the world continues to rely on rare earth elements for technological advancement, Russia’s vast reserves position the country as a key player in this critical industry. With proper planning and utilization, these reserves can not only support domestic industries but also play a significant role in the global supply chain of rare earth elements.



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