
A Sharp Critique: Murat Kurum Slams İmamoğlu for Abandoning Friends

Minister Murat Kurum and Ömer Bolat recently attended the ‘Meeting with the People of Konya’ program in Bakırköy, where they urged AK Party voters to persuade those around them to support their cause. During the event, Bolat emphasized that the upcoming election is not just about Kurum’s candidacy but about the collective choice of all supporters. He highlighted the importance of unity and collaboration within the party to ensure victory in the upcoming election.

Bolat also emphasized the need for each supporter to mobilize and convince at least 10 people to vote for their candidate. He used the analogy of a honeycomb model, where each individual’s efforts to persuade others will create a positive synergy that can lead to significant gains in votes. Bolat’s passionate speech resonated with the audience, urging them to work tirelessly for their shared cause.

In contrast, Kurum took the opportunity to criticize Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality President İmamoğlu, accusing him of neglecting his duties and prioritizing personal ambitions over the needs of the city. He promised that come March 31st, İmamoğlu would be sent on an indefinite vacation by the people of Istanbul who have grown tired of his ineffective leadership.

Kurum also called on supporters to rally behind their party and work towards a decisive victory in the upcoming election. He asked each individual to convince at least 10 people to support their cause, emphasizing the importance of solidarity and unity in achieving their goals. With just 30 days left until the election, Kurum urged his supporters to take action and make a difference in shaping the future of Istanbul.

Overall, the event highlighted the determination and dedication of AK Party members to secure a victory in the upcoming election. By working together and mobilizing their base, they hope to bring about positive change and ensure that their candidate, Murat Kurum, emerges victorious on election day.



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