
Addressing Poor Quality at Nameplate Universities: Urgent Measures Needed

People’s Party Chairman Kudret Özersay has emphasized the importance of taking urgent measures to address the issue of “poor quality, nameplate universities”. In a recent television program, Özersay revealed his concerns about illegal workers being brought into the country under the guise of being students, with fraudulent practices such as issuing fake student certificates to foreigners who have never attended the university. These fraudulent activities not only compromise the integrity of the education system but also pose a threat to the country’s peace and security.

Furthermore, Özersay highlighted that the trials of individuals involved in the “fake diploma” scandal have commenced, with more than a hundred criminal charges being filed. He suggested that the ongoing case could set an important precedent for holding accountable those who have obtained fake diplomas.

Addressing the statement made by YÖDAK President Prof. Dr. Aykut regarding an impending “earthquake” in the education sector, Özersay emphasized the need for a shakeup to combat corruption and enforce academic discipline. He stressed the importance of YÖDAK’s role in regulating and shutting down questionable universities to uphold the quality of higher education in the country.

Regarding the ongoing trial in Güzelyurt related to the fake diploma scandal, Özersay urged for careful consideration and cautious statements to be made. He highlighted the significance of the pilot case in determining the authenticity of diplomas and emphasized the need for swift police processes and court decisions to address the issue effectively.

In conclusion, Özersay’s call for urgent action against fraudulent practices in the education sector underscores the importance of maintaining the integrity and quality of higher education institutions in the country. It is imperative for authorities to crack down on illegitimate universities and hold accountable those involved in fraudulent activities to safeguard the education system and promote academic excellence.


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