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Agenda: Key Topics up for Discussion in Turkish Parliament This Week

The Grand National Assembly of Türkiye is set to tackle a range of important issues this week, including crypto assets, monetary policy, civil aviation activities, and violence prevention in education.

One of the key items on the agenda is a 19-article bill concerning crypto assets. The proposal aims to introduce capital requirements for service providers in this sector. The regulation would require permission from the Capital Markets Board for the establishment and activities of service providers, as well as authorize the CMB for the issuance, sale, and distribution of crypto assets. Additionally, all transfer transactions would be recorded.

Central Bank Governor Fatih Karahan will provide insight into the activities of the Central Bank on Tuesday. He will offer a comprehensive assessment of the global economy, inflation, and monetary policy. Discussions will also cover interest rate decisions, exchange rate policy, and the resolution of exchange rate protected deposit accounts.

The Public Works, Zoning, Transport, and Tourism Commission will review a transportation bill proposed by the AK Party. The bill includes regulations on flying unlicensed unmanned aerial vehicles and parachuting without permission, with fines of up to 60 thousand liras and 500 thousand liras, respectively. The bill also addresses wage re-determination in the maritime sector and regulations around airports.

Furthermore, preparations are underway for a bill aimed at preventing violence in education. This proposal, expected to be presented to the Presidency of the Parliament, includes increased penalties for crimes against education workers. Penalties for threats, insults, resistance, and attacks will be raised by 50 percent, and in cases of violence, prison sentences will not be postponed.

Lastly, efforts to address the issue of stray dogs in Türkiye are ongoing within the AK Party group. Opposition MPs will have the opportunity to express their views on the matter before the bill is presented for consideration.


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