
Ankara’s Response to Historical Developments in Syria

The recent developments in favor of Turkey have once again brought to light the prejudiced perspectives that some segments hold. Despite the positive steps taken by Turkey, there are still those who seem unwilling to acknowledge the country’s achievements. As Albert Einstein once famously said, “Changing prejudices is difficult, much like breaking down an atom.”

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has been recognized as a global leader who is shaping the world. Turkey has emerged as a strong player in global affairs, with its influence being felt in various conflicts and crisis situations, from Karabakh to Libya, and from the Russian-Ukrainian war to the Syrian crisis. The words of Lebanese Prime Minister Mikati reflect the growing trust and partnership between Turkey and other countries: “First we will trust Allah and then Turkey.”

The recent agreement signed between Syrian President Ahmed Şara and Mazlum Abdi, which includes the release of arms by the PKK-YPG and the dissolution of the organization, marks a significant turning point in Syria. However, there are still some who view this development with skepticism and refuse to acknowledge Turkey’s strong stance in the region.

Turkey’s determined efforts to thwart any attempts by the PKK-YPG to establish an autonomous administration in Syria have been successful so far. The new Syrian administration supported by Turkey, under the leadership of Ahmed Şara, is a clear testament to Turkey’s strategic moves and strong will in the region. The country’s refusal to allow the PKK-YPG to pursue its autonomy plan underscores its commitment to maintaining peace and stability in the region.

With the PKK-YPG members expected to disarm and potentially transition to politics, a new era is dawning in Syria. Turkey’s military presence in Syria will continue to ensure border security and combat terrorism, while also supporting the political transformation in the country. The ultimate goal is to achieve Syria’s territorial integrity and ensure Turkey’s border security.

In the face of skepticism and prejudice, Turkey remains steadfast in its efforts to bring about positive change in the region. The recent developments in Syria are a reflection of Turkey’s strong leadership and commitment to regional peace. As the process unfolds, Turkey’s role as a key player in shaping the new balance in the region will become increasingly apparent.



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