
“Announcement of President and Deputy Voting Results in Küçükçekmece Elections on May 14, 2023”

The results of the recent elections in Istanbul Küçükçekmece have a significant impact on both political parties and presidential candidates in Turkey. As one of the districts with a large number of voters, the election results in Küçükçekmece will also affect the overall election outcome. The district is located in the 3rd electoral district of Istanbul province, and the election results will be announced after 21:00 on Sunday, May 14, 2023. The votes of parties and presidential candidates can be followed instantly on the CNN TÜRK Election 2023 page, while evaluations about the election, the latest data and all other details will be on CNN TÜRK live broadcast.

There are several candidates competing in the Küçükçekmece elections for parliamentary positions. The AK Party Istanbul Third Region deputy candidates include Numan Kurkumus, Ozlem Rich, Cüneyt Yüksel, Zekeriya Yapicioglu, Halis Dalkilic, Rümeysa Kadak, Oğuz Third, Necmi Kadioğlu, Şamil Distinction, Square Seda Seeing, Nilhan Ayan, Star Conal Secret, Şengül Karsli, Yücel Arzen Haciogullari, Halim Kökce, Mehmet Sari, Nevzat Satiroglu, Ekrem Gorçeker, Necati Karagoz, Rasim Erdogmus, Yusuf Aslan, Mustafa Korkut, Mutlu Bozoglu, Fetih Ahmet Balin, Oktay Candas, Mehmet Yildiz, Yilmaz Durmus, Nevin Mine Vural, Memet Yalcin, Nazif Cetin, Ramazan Arkan, Harun Celik, Rasim Yagar, Cemal Wholesale, Recep Seyyar and Ali Çiçek. Candidates from the CHP include Engin Altay, Erdogan Toprak, Turkan Ambassador, Ilhan Kesici, Zeynel Emre, Mustafa Yeneroğlu (DEVA), Bülent Kaya (Felicity Party), Doğan Demir (Future Party), Free Karabat, Civil Yilmaz (DEVA), Turan Taskin Ozer, Doruk Bulut, Oguz Kemal Yakar, Turgay Ozcan, Fevzi Donat, Utku Caner Caykara, Huseyin Remzi Gokbulak, Bayram Ali Cheshmeci, Recep Karakoç, Burak Yildirim, Eda Kurt, Kazim Ozeren, Margarit Dikme, Mehtap Albayrak, Nazli Akyuz, Ozlem Durdagidokucu, Sinam Karahan, Sinem Ozcan, Suleyman Usubas, Cemal Dogan, Huseyin Arda Engizek, Turgut Koc, Server Gökmen, Ender Unutanersozlu, Joy Kiyik and Yaren Karaca. The Good Party has Ersin White, Seyithan Is without a trace, Ayşe Sibel Yanikomeroglu, Şukru Tower, Celal Karapinar, Hamza Yurtsever, Ali Kidik, Mehtap Nazan Goktas, Metin Bozkurt, Fevzi Fatih Oğuz, Ethem Baykal, Ulku Aayydin, Dogan Avci, Adnan Sinan Cakiroglu, Ayhan Bölükbaşı, Mete Koca Suuri, Karabal Nazmiye Izgin, Joy Silver, Mehmet Ali Uykur, Zeki Bulgan, Arzu Önsen, Sule Agayak, Ersoy Hurana Gungor, Meliha Apaydin, Arzu Şimşek, Buse Albayrak, Mary Tanriverdi Goktas, Atakan Ozkan, Hasan Kaya, Seref Taminturk, Asıye Küçükyilmaz, Burak Ustali, Kürşat Özer and Selma Saricioglu. The MHP has Fetih Yıldız, Ismail Faruk Aksu, Vital Arkaz, Arzu Erdem, Gokhan Turkes Ongel, Davut Haskiris, Ahmet Savas Colak, Ozge Tekogullari, Aylin Yuksel Ulker, Metin Ari, Bahattin Sengul, Osman Buyukkaya, Uygar Oral Öztürk, Alparslan Çatak, Ilkay Kaymak, Dilara Erkut, Aslihan Soylu, Mustafa Sepin, Jasmina Türkoğlu, Volkan Büyükusta, Nergis Gök, Okan Demir, Mesut Yildirim, Mustafa Alp, Mehmet Başak, Mehmet Şener Çelik, and Bekir Sitki. Lastly, the Green Left Party (YSP) has Cigdem Kılıçgün Flying, Iskender Bayhan, Flower Grass, Jelal Firat, Cemil Gungoren, Forgiveness, Ilknur Birol, Abdulhakim Dash, A Little Aric, Edip Arslan, Erdal Atas, Ferdı Yamar, Nalan Celik, Ugur Sugar, Nevrim Kotanoğlu, Yusuf Yalvac, Gülfiaraz Health, Hüseyin Worker, Elif Baysal, Nizamettin Ozturk, Özgül Baydoğan, Ercan Saglam, Nesrin Arslan, Faik Crazy, Fatma Komurcu, Huseyin Fidanboy, Levent Gokcek, Ayse Cengiz, Abdurrazak Ekinci, Shaban Roshan Ishiktas, Pinar Kayalar, Mehmet Şerif Öner, Ergün Şim



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