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Atasun of Homeland Party Withdraws Candidacy for Deputy Position

Kayseri’s mayoral candidate for the Homeland Party, Ahmet Atasun, has withdrawn from the candidacy following Muharrem İnce’s withdrawal from the presidential candidacy. Atasun stated that he will continue his political journey under the umbrella of the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) with M. Baki Ersoy, who he believes works the hardest for Kayseri and the city would be more beneficial for under the same tribune roof.

The news of Muharrem İnce’s withdrawal from the presidential candidacy was announced by the leader of the Homeland Party, Muharrem İnce, on May 11th. This decision has shocked and saddened many of his supporters, who had high hopes for his candidacy.

It is unclear at this point who the Homeland Party will nominate as their presidential candidate for the upcoming elections, but they have stated that they will continue their fight for a better future for Turkey.

Meanwhile, Ahmet Atasun’s decision has raised questions about the future of the Homeland Party in Kayseri, and whether they will be able to win the mayoral elections with a new candidate. It remains to be seen what impact these decisions will have on the political landscape of Turkey in the coming months.



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