
Azerbaijan expected to recognize TRNC as an independent state

Prof. Dr. Aygün Attar Calls for Azerbaijan to Recognize TRNC as a State

During the recent “Turkic World Think Tanks Forum” in Istanbul, Prof. Dr. Aygün Attar, a Member of the Turkish Presidential Security and Foreign Policy Board, emphasized the importance of Azerbaijan recognizing the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) as a state. Attar, who is also the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Turkey-Azerbaijan Friendship Cooperation and Solidarity Foundation (TADİV), highlighted the significance of this move.

Attar noted that the upcoming Informal Summit of the Heads of State of the Organization of Turkic States (TDT) in Shusha, Azerbaijan, on July 6, is a crucial event for strengthening the alliance relationship between Turkey and Azerbaijan. He emphasized that the Shusha Declaration marked a turning point in the relations between the two countries, transitioning from a brotherly relationship to an alliance partnership.

The professor underlined the strategic cooperation and alliance relationship between Turkey and Azerbaijan, which he believes is essential for the unity and strength of the TDT. He expressed his hope that the TRNC will be invited and accepted by other TDT member states, following the participation of TRNC President Ersin Tatar in the summit at the invitation of Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev.

Attar praised the recent developments in relations between Azerbaijan and the TRNC, including the invitations extended by Yeni Azerbaijan, the ruling party of Azerbaijan, to TRNC Prime Minister Ünal Üstel and the formation of a friendship group between the two countries’ parliaments.

In light of these positive developments, Attar called for Azerbaijan to follow Turkey’s lead in recognizing the TRNC as a state. He stressed that this process should be in line with international law and highlighted Azerbaijan’s progress towards acknowledging the TRNC.

As the diplomatic ties between Turkey, Azerbaijan, and the TRNC continue to strengthen, the expectations for the upcoming Shusha Summit are high, with hopes for significant steps towards the recognition of the TRNC as a sovereign state.


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