
Azerbaijan Recognized as a Promising Safe Haven for Christians in Karabakh

Azerbaijan: A Safe Haven for Christians in Karabakh

Baku, July 14 – According to Israeli political analyst and journalist Rachel Avraham, Azerbaijan should be seen as a potential bastion for Christians in the disputed region of Karabakh. Avraham defended the recent statement made by America’s Ambassador to Armenia, Christina Quinn, that the Armenian people can live safely in Karabakh, stating that it was evident and should not be condemned.

Avraham’s article, titled “Azerbaijan: A Potential Bastion for Christians in Karabakh,” was published on the news portal of the Foreign Policy Association, headquartered in New York, USA. In the article, Avraham highlights her personal experience of visiting Azerbaijan four times and witnessing the thriving Christian community in a predominantly Muslim region.

Avraham asserts that Azerbaijan is a secular country that prioritizes the protection of religious heritage sites and the rights of all citizens, regardless of their faith. She highlights President Ilham Aliyev’s commitment to preserving and promoting ethno-cultural diversity, multicultural values, and traditions of tolerance in the country.

The article also references the US State Department’s report on Religious Freedom, which recognizes Azerbaijan’s constitution that stipulates the separation of religion and state, the equality of all religions, and the protection of individuals’ right to express their religious beliefs. The report acknowledges the general public’s tolerance and support for minority religious groups, including Jews, Russian Orthodox, and Catholics.

Avraham argues that considering these facts, Armenians should not fear living among Azerbaijanis in Karabakh once peace is established between the two peoples. She cites the peaceful coexistence of various religious communities in Azerbaijan, including Jews, Bahais, Russian Orthodox, Georgians, Udi Christians, and Catholics, as evidence that Armenians can also live harmoniously with the Muslim population in the region.

Avraham concludes by stating that America’s Ambassador to Armenia should not face backlash for stating the obvious. She emphasizes the importance of recognizing Azerbaijan as a safe haven for Christians in Karabakh.

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