
Bagtyýarlyk Owazlary Concert: Celebrating International Children’s Day at Mukam Palace

The Mukam Palace of the State Cultural Center of Turkmenistan is set to host a special concert titled “Bagtyýarlyk owazlary” in celebration of International Children’s Day on June 1. The event will showcase a youth symphony orchestra, a united children’s choir, as well as talented young singers and musicians.

Under the direction of Artistic Director Rasul Klychev and conductors Guvanch Saparaliyev and Kovus Bashimov, the concert promises to be a delightful and inspiring musical experience for audiences of all ages.

The concert is scheduled to begin at 15:00, and those interested in purchasing tickets can inquire through the following phone numbers: 48-96-83, 94-10-76, 66-33-99, 60-15-67.

Don’t miss this opportunity to celebrate International Children’s Day with a captivating musical performance at the Mukam Palace. Get your tickets now and join in the festivities!

– ORIENT news

Photo: orient.tm


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