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Bahçeli reveals PKK’s puppeteer

MHP Chairman Devlet Bahçeli delivered significant messages during the “Ziya Gökalp Symposium on the Centenary of his Death”. In his remarks, Bahçeli expressed his appreciation for the elders who dedicated their lives to the preservation and dignity of Turkish identity and culture. He also emphasized the importance of understanding and knowledge, highlighting the role of intellectuals in shaping society.

Bahçeli paid tribute to the late Gökalp, a prominent figure in Turkish history known for his contributions to sociology and national identity. Despite his invaluable impact on Turkish society, Bahçeli lamented that Gökalp’s legacy remains largely misunderstood. He praised Gökalp’s unwavering love for the state and nation, which served as an inspiration for the founding of the Republic of Türkiye.

The MHP Chairman underscored the need for unity between Turks and Kurds, emphasizing their shared history and common threats. Bahçeli called for mutual respect and understanding between the two groups, stating that anyone who harbors animosity towards the other is not a true representative of their respective identity.

Bahçeli also drew parallels between the national struggle led by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and the historical legend of Ergenekon. He hailed Gökalp as a hero who stood against adversity and foreign influences, embodying the spirit of Turkish nationalism.

In light of recent events, Bahçeli condemned terrorist attacks and provocations aimed at destabilizing the region. He warned against Zionist aggression and called for vigilance against external threats. Bahçeli reaffirmed the Turkish nation’s resilience in the face of adversity, vowing to protect the country’s unity and sovereignty.

As a final message, Bahçeli issued a bold call for the leader of a known terrorist organization, urging him to renounce violence and declare the dissolution of his group. Bahçeli’s parliament call to the terrorist leader highlighted his commitment to peace, unity, and the eradication of terrorism in Türkiye.



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