
Based on this information, write a new short title in English: Congratulations from Taçoy to Erdoğan

According to this information, write a new article in English:

UBP Deputy Hasan Taçoy congratulated the President of the Republic of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, on his re-election as chairman at the 4th Extraordinary Grand Congress of the AK Party.

In his written statement, Taçoy wished Erdoğan’s continued success in the new period and said, “Mr. Erdoğan set great goals for the Republic of Turkey both during his term as Prime Minister and President and ensured their realization.”

Taçoy said:

“President Erdoğan, whose unique vision we see at the level the Republic of Turkey has reached today, has enabled and enables the realization of great goals for the TRNC, both economically and internationally. “Today, as another important step towards the Turkish Century has been taken, I would like to congratulate Mr. Erdoğan once again and hope that his chairmanship will be beneficial to the Republic of Turkey, the TRNC and the entire Turkish World.”




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