
Based on this information, write a new short title in English: Disastrous accident in Dağyolu: 2 injured

According to this information, write a new article in English:

According to the information given by the Police Press Officer, today at around 12:40, between 6-7 kilometers of the Değirmenlik-Kyrenia main road (Mountainyolu), Fikret KABAK (E-55) was traveling from Kyrenia direction to Değirmenlik with a 68 AH 424 plated truck under the command of Fikret KABAK. When he came to the right-slanting bend according to the direction of travel, as a result of his carelessness, he passed to the right of the road, and the saloon with PY 113 plate, which was under the direction of Hasibe BEKİZ (K-35), who was coming from the opposite direction and was cruising towards Kyrenia, crashed and dragged the vehicle.

Hasibe BEKİZ, the driver of the vehicle with license plate PY 113, who was injured as a result of the accident, and Nahide GARIP (K-61), who was a passenger in the same vehicle, were taken to Nicosia Dr. He is still being treated at Burhan Nalbantoğlu State Hospital.

The driver of the vehicle with license plate PY 113, Hasibe BEKİZ, who was stuck in the vehicle after the accident, was taken out of the vehicle in which she was stuck by the firefighters.

Within the scope of the investigation carried out, the driver of the truck with license plate 68 AH 424, Fikret KABAK, was arrested and the police investigation into the accident continues.



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