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The Lost Bus Monument, built in memory of the 11 martyrs killed in 1964, was opened in Larnaca.

11 martyrs, who were kidnapped by the Greek Police by turning their bus from the road to their workplaces in the Dhekelia British Bases Region from Larnaca on 13 May 1964, and were shot and then thrown into a water well around the Greek village of Oroklini in Larnaca. The work of the Autonomous Missing Persons Committee in 2007 As a result, the missing bus was not found.

In the museum built at the monument, the belongings of the 11 martyrs when they were taken out of the well where they were thrown after being brutally murdered will also be exhibited.

The opening of the Lost Bus Monument at the Pier started with a moment of silence and the reading of the National Anthem.

President Ersin Tatar, Parliament Speaker Zorlu Töre, Prime Minister Ünal Üstel, Republic of Turkey Ambassador to Nicosia Metin Feyzioğlu, ministers, members of parliament, military personnel, guests and citizens from Azerbaijan and Turkey attended the opening.

Iskele District Governor Ertuğrul Toroslu, Iskele Mayor Hasan Sadıkoğlu and other officials were also present at the opening.

Speeches were made after the presentation showing the construction phase of the monument and the screening of the Lost Bus Documentary clip.

Fevzi Tanpınar, who prepared the documentary and presented the opening ceremony, apologized to the martyrs for the documentary being built 47 years later and the monument 60 years later, and said that they should protect the social memory and pass it on to future generations before it is too late.

Larnaca Association President Zarifşen Menteşoğlu also said that this massacre was recorded internationally as the “first mass genocide”.

Menteşoğlu stated that the “Lost Bus Monument” was built and opened today with the idea of ​​​​protecting the cherished memory of his martyred compatriots and showing the struggle for existence in Cyprus to future generations and the world public opinion. Menteşoğlu stated that the only crime of the martyrs was being Turkish and commemorated them by listing their names as follows: ” Yusuf Tosun, Bayram Mustafa, Kemal Enver Veloks, Behiç Hasan Göksan, Hasan Hüseyin Fehmi, Kâmil Raif Dimililer, Ahmet Fadıl Balamagi, Kemal Mustafa Akdoğan, Hasan Mustafa Bari, Ahmet İndiano, Hasan Durmuş.”

Celal Dimililer, the child of the martyr, said that they bought the land for the Lost Bus Monument, which they will now open, with the support of the Larnaca Association, and that they will keep the cherished memories of their ancestors alive with the great contributions of Iskele Municipality.

Dimilis stated that they paid a heavy price for all that happened and they are still paying the price, and said, “Our hope is that such events never happen again.”

Göksel Saydam, Honorary President of the Larnaca Association, commemorated the 11 martyrs of this mass murder, who took their place as the “Lost Bus Martyrs” in the history of the national struggle of Cyprus.

Saydam said, “Societies that do not know their history cannot make positive and safe decisions for their future,” explained the history of the event and said, “I once again commemorate our 11 martyrs and all our other martyrs in the history of the Turkish Cypriot National Struggle with gratitude and mercy. May their souls rest in peace.”

Iskele Mayor Hasan Sadıkoğlu said, “The inhumane treatment that we Turkish Cypriots experienced, the dark days that will never be forgotten, have undoubtedly left deep wounds and sadness in all of our hearts, no matter how many years have passed. “It is out of the question for us to accept and forget what happened between 1963-64,” he said.

Sadıkoğlu pointed out that the Lost Bus incident in Larnaca in 1964 was just one of the darkest days in the History of Cyprus and explained the pain experienced.

He stated that they completed the construction of the Lost Bus Monument, which will keep the cherished memories of the Lost Bus Martyrs alive, on 2 decares of forest land given to the Association of Larnacans and the Association of Lost Bus Families by the Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources, with the own resources of Iskele Municipality and the devoted work of its staff. Sadıkoğlu continued as follows:

“We built the Lost Bus Monument on an area of ​​approximately 1100 m2. In addition to the 11 marble columns representing our martyrs and the granite pedestals with the identity information of our martyrs right in front of them, the Lost Bus, which our martyrs took to go to work but disappeared, is engraved on marble as a Laser Painting on black granite, as you can see behind me.

The 15 square meter glass area on my left was designed as a museum. Here, the belongings of our 11 martyrs when they were taken out of the well where they were thrown after brutal murder will be exhibited.

“The History of the Lost Bus is also included in our monument to inform visitors.”

Sadıkoğlu commemorated the martyrs, stating that societies that do not know their past cannot direct their future.

Orhan Erdem, Chairman of the Turkey-TRNC Inter-Parliamentary Friendship Group, stated that they were filled with emotion on a meaningful day, commemorated the martyrs, and said that this geography is full of pain. Erdem commemorated all those who were martyred to make these lands a homeland and reminded the suffering in Azerbaijan and Gaza.

Hoping that Azerbaijan’s support and the struggle in the international arena will pave a successful path, Erdem emphasized the importance of new generations moving into the future knowing their past.

Chairman of the Azerbaijan-TRNC Inter-Parliamentary Friendship Group, Fevziyev, commemorated the martyrs and greeted their families on behalf of the Azerbaijani National Assembly. Fevziyev said that they made a historic visit to TRNC in order to build the future together. Explaining that they suffered a lot as the Turkish nation, Fevziyev explained the struggles of Azerbaijan and expressed his belief that the Turkish Cypriot people will definitely achieve success.

Metin Feyzioğlu, Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey to Nicosia, stated that the monument is a monument of the genocide against the Turkish Cypriot people, pointed out the value and importance of the monument, and congratulated everyone who built the monument.

Emphasizing the importance of building the future without forgetting the past or letting it be forgotten, Feyzioğlu noted that the Cyprus problem ended with the Peace Operation and that peace came to the island and there was no agreement.

Feyzioğlu pointed out the importance of Azerbaijan’s support and stated that what happened in Gaza once again showed the importance of this unity and said, “Long live TRNC, long live Azerbaijan.”

Prime Minister Ünal Üstel talked about the struggle for existence of the Turkish Cypriot people and noted that freedom was achieved thanks to Turkey.

Üstel stated that today they commemorate the martyrs who lost their lives in the Greek Cypriot massacre and said that they have not forgotten the martyrs and will not let them forget.

Üstel thanked Azerbaijan for making a historic visit to the country, also thanked the National Azerbaijan Assembly and noted that they would continue the struggle as three states and one nation.

Üstel thanked the President of the Republic of Turkey and the President of Azerbaijan and emphasized the importance of the support given to the Turkish Cypriot people.

President of the Assembly of the Republic, Zorlu Töre, stated that they made these lands a homeland by sacrificing life and blood, and hoped that what happened in the past would not happen again, but said that they would never give up defending the homeland.

Töre stated that a comprehensive agreement was made in Cyprus, but the Greeks did not give up on their dream of Enosis, and explained what happened during the years of national struggle.

Recalling the martyrs and mass murders, Töre said that they want an agreement on the island, but they will never give up sovereignty over the TRNC and Turkey.

Criticizing the United Cyprus rhetoric, Töre commemorated the Larnaca martyrs and congratulated everyone who built the monument.

President Ersin Tatar also thanked everyone who attended the opening of the monument on this historic day and congratulated everyone who contributed to the monument so that the pain experienced will not be forgotten.

In his speech commemorating the 11 martyrs, Tatar reminded the sufferings and talked about the massacres suffered by the Turkish Cypriot people.

Stating that they suffered and struggled in the TRNC, just like Azerbaijan’s struggles, Tatar thanked the Azerbaijani delegation for the meaningful visit and paid his respects to Aliyev.

Stating that the monument will have an important place in the Turkish Cypriot history, Tatar stated that they want the support of Turkey, Azerbaijan and the Turkish states to keep the independent Turkish state of TRNC alive forever.

Pointing out the importance of being the guarantor of the Republic of Turkey, Tatar wished patience to the families whose houses were hit by fire and commemorated the martyrs.

Tatar said, “Azerbaijan is a brother state,” thanked Aliyev for his closeness to the TRNC, and said that they knew its importance well.

After the speeches, a prayer was recited by the Religious Affairs Representative in memory of the martyrs and the Lost Bus Monument was opened. Later, lokma was distributed.

At the opening, 11 cypress trees were planted by the relatives of the martyrs’ families in memory of the 11 Martyrs.



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