
Based on this information, write a new short title in English: President’s Special Representative Olgun: “It is obvious that it will not be possible to maintain a solution in Cyprus that will be imposed by manipulation, pressure or coercion”

According to this information, write a new article in English: President’s Special Representative Ergün Olgun emphasized that the conditions for the establishment and survival of a federal partnership in Cyprus are not suitable, and that it will not be possible to maintain a solution that will be imposed by directing, pressure or coercion under these conditions. Pointing out that President Ersin Tatar stated that “with the confirmation of the sovereign equality and equal international status of the Turkish Cypriot side, which are the requirements of equality, and the establishment of a common ground, official negotiations can be started for the two existing states in Cyprus to establish a new cooperation relationship”. He also noted that Turkey was ready to address the depth and breadth of the cooperation relationship on the ground of sovereign equality and equal international status. M. Ergün Olgun, Special Representative of President Ersin Tatar, made a statement regarding the Greek Cypriot side’s stance that “talks should start from where they left off in Crans-Montana”. Ergün Olgun noted that the need to share a comprehensive assessment arose in the face of the efforts of the Greek Cypriot side to “restart the negotiations from where they left off in Crans-Montana in 2017 in order to realize a so-called federal solution” and continued as follows: “The authority on federalism, Prof. Ronald L. Watts defined a federation as a political organization that combines elements of co-government of at least two equal political units/governments on the one hand, and elements of regional self-government for the governments of the constituent states on the other. Federations are generally born out of necessity and are carried out on a voluntary basis on the basis of equality of rights and status of their founders. Strong shared interests and interdependence are what hold federations together. Federations are generally divided into two groups. While mononational federations aim at national homogeneity and decentralization (such as the United States), multinational federations aim to unite peoples who differ significantly in ancestry, language and culture (such as Belgium and Canada) along with the advantages of a common political unit. In single-nation federations, the source of sovereignty and authority is the center, and the states are devolved from the center. In multinational federations, on the other hand, the source of sovereignty and authority is the founding states and they authorize the partnership state (centre) to be formed. In multinational federations, the constituent states have equal rights, status and opportunities in all aspects. Multinational federations ensure that their constituent peoples maintain their identity and equality, while ensuring that their citizens have multiple allegiances, both patriotic allegiance to the federation and nationalistic allegiance to their own community/regional homeland. With these features, the multinational federation structure is seen as a management model that offers the opportunity to reconcile identity conflicts, one of the most stubborn political problems of today, with both authority and sovereignty sharing and regional self-government arrangements. As sovereign equal parties in the establishment of multinational federations, the founders determine in the contract they signed which powers will be in the federal partnership bodies and which powers will be reserved for the founders. In this sense, federal partnership bodies dominate in proportion to the powers delegated in the contract, while the constituent states dominate in proportion to the powers they reserve. In this respect, sovereignty is divided between the founding states and the federal partnership, especially in multinational federations. The classical understanding of sovereignty, which is based on the fact that sovereignty is absolute, indivisible and unrestricted, is incompatible with the principles of multinational/identity federal partnership and contemporary democracy. As a requirement of equality in multinational federations, decisions are taken by consensus in the partnership bodies, and the founding states’ right to form partnerships, as well as the right to leave the federal partnership, are also reserved. There has been a lot of scientific research into why federal partnerships succeed or fail.” Ergün Olgun has tried to achieve the goal of establishing a new institutional cooperation relationship on the basis of the inherent equal rights and equal status of the parties in the negotiation processes for many years, and as a person who has examined many researches on political partnerships, in the negotiations held for more than 40 years, the Turkish Cypriot side’s 2017 He outlined the reasons why the federal partnership target could not be realized despite his support until the Crans Montana summit in 2018 and why this solution model is not suitable for Cyprus conditions: “The stereotypical view of Cyprus as a Hellenic island by the Greek Cypriot side and Greece does not make it possible to establish and maintain a federal partnership based on equality with the Turkish Cypriot side. Due to this institutionalized mentality of the Greek Cypriot side and its search for superiority, there was no common interest between the two sides and the need for political cooperation/partnership did not arise. The comfort area provided to the Greek side at the international level also prevented the emergence of a common need. For all these reasons, the Greek side does not see the Turkish side as an asset, but as an obstacle/liability in reaching its goals. In bilateral partnerships, power imbalance between the parties (such as status, economic power, population) usually leads to the tendency of the stronger party to establish superiority/dominance over the weaker party. What happened in 1963 and after that until today reveals that this search for dominance by the Greek Cypriot side is a reality. Power imbalance in bilateral partnerships is one of the main reasons for the deterioration of the partnership. It should not be forgotten that in federal partnerships, the member states are not only partners but also secret competitors. When we look at the practices and behaviors of the Greek Cypriot side, it is seen that the goal they want to achieve is not a solution on the basis of the inherent equal rights and status of the parties, which is necessary for the establishment and survival of a multi-identity/national federal partnership, through some legal arrangements, they invaded the Turkish Cypriot side in 1963 and invaded the Greek Cypriot side. It will be seen that it is to integrate the state they have transformed into a republic with a privileged minority status. As a matter of fact, the previous Greek Cypriot leader, Nicos Anastasiades, in a letter he sent to President Ersin Tatar on 19 May 2022, clearly stated that the basis of the solution to be reached, according to them, is the evolution of the so-called Republic of Cyprus into a federal state in a way that will alleviate the concerns of Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots and secure their rights. Multi-identity/multinational federal partnerships are built on the equal legitimacy of all founders, not just the legitimacy of one of their founders. The Greek Cypriot side’s rejection of the equal rights and status of the Turkish Cypriot side and its insistence on the legitimacy of its so-called states and its sole sovereignty, its refusal to establish a new partnership state by the two equal parties, its insistence on a majoritarian decision mechanism in the central government, that is, its rejection of the decision mechanism by consensus, and its rejection of the rotating presidency. shows how far they are from a real multi-identity/national federal partnership. In addition to the attempts to establish superiority through internal political arrangements, the Greek Cypriot side’s insistence on the abolition of the 1960 Guarantee System, which is of vital importance for the Turkish Cypriot side, is another reflection of their hegemonic mentality. When we look at the experience of the 1960 partnership republic and after, and the results of scientific research on international experience and federal partnerships, it will be seen that the conditions for the establishment of a federal partnership in Cyprus and even if it is established, are not suitable for the above reasons. It is obvious that under these conditions it will not be possible to maintain a solution that will be imposed by directing, pressure or coercion. Despite all this, the Turkish Side offered the Greek Cypriot Side a different cooperation adaptation, which it believed could better protect the Turkish Cypriot people against the Greek hegemonic mentality. For this purpose, at the 5 + UN informal Cyprus meeting held in Geneva in April 2021, President Ersin Tatar said that the two existing states in Cyprus can establish a new cooperation relationship upon the…



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