
Békéscsaba’s Year-long Festivities

2024 Marks 180th Anniversary of Mihály Munkácsy’s Birth

This year, the Municipality of Békéscsaba, along with the cultural institutions of the Munkácsy Quarter, is organizing various events to commemorate the 180th anniversary of the birth of renowned Hungarian painter Mihály Munkácsy.

Munkácsy, a celebrated figure of 19th century Hungarian painting, began his career as a carpenter apprentice and later rose to prominence as an internationally renowned painter. His canvases, mainly depicting Hungarian and European rural and middle-class life with sociographic accuracy, reflect a romantic-realist style deeply influenced by French painter Gustav Courbet.

To honor Munkácsy’s legacy, a series of festive programs are being organized throughout the year. The Munkácsy Quarter, a significant project initiated in 2020, will reach completion this autumn. The ongoing renovation and expansion efforts include the Munkácsy Mihály Museum and the painter’s memorial house, as well as the restoration of the Beliczey Mansion, which now houses the Napsugár Puppet Theater.

The commemorative year began on February 7 with the unveiling of the second edition of the Munkácsy carpaccio volume, followed by a cake competition to determine the “dessert of the quarter.” Additionally, an exhibition entitled “Patriotic Painting on the Square – Mihály Munkácsy’s Conquest” will debut on February 20 and run until October. This exhibition will showcase the half-sized sketch and charcoal drawing of his work, “Honfoglalás,” originating from Szeged.

As part of the celebrations, the Jókai Theater will host the premiere of the musical “Munkácsy, the Prince Painter” on February 23. This will be accompanied by an exhibition of photographs featuring the painter’s sketches. Furthermore, a drama depicting a hypothetical encounter between Munkácsy and the writer Mór Jókai will be presented at the theater in the autumn.

The inauguration of the Munkácsy Academy on March 22 will mark the beginning of a series of events focusing on the theme of forgery, as well as showcasing various forms of art such as street art, slam poetry, henna painting, and tattooing, all of which aim to present the painter and his era.

These events and activities are expected to attract art enthusiasts, historians, and the public to come and immerse themselves in Munkácsy’s everlasting legacy as one of Hungary’s most celebrated painters.



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