
Beware of Dangerous Areas at Lake Balaton!

The picturesque Lake Balaton, often dubbed the “Hungarian Sea,” is a beloved spot for tourists and locals looking to cool off and relax. However, despite its tranquil appearance, the lake holds hidden dangers that swimmers and water sports enthusiasts should be aware of.

Contrary to popular belief, Lake Balaton is not uniformly shallow. While the southern shore may give the impression of shallow waters, the lake bed quickly deepens as you venture further in. According to Roland Szakter, an expert from the Central Transdanubian Water Directorate, the northern coast experiences a gradual deepening, while the south coast features abrupt drop-offs just a short distance from the shore.

Szakter emphasizes the importance of staying within designated buoys for safety. He warns of submerged trench-like lines that can cause the water depth to increase significantly within a short distance. Even experienced swimmers can be caught off guard by these sudden changes in depth, leading to panic and potential accidents.

It is not uncommon for swimmers to venture up to 1 km from the coast, or for watercraft like pedaloes and stand-up paddleboards (SUPs) to explore further into the lake. However, Szakter advises caution when straying too far from shore, as the drop-off lines can catch even the most seasoned swimmers off guard.

To prevent accidents and tragedies, it is recommended to stay within marked boundaries and be mindful of the lake’s varying depths. By understanding the potential dangers lurking beneath Lake Balaton’s serene surface, visitors can enjoy a safe and relaxing experience at this popular Hungarian destination.


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