
Biden Administration Expresses Deep Concern Over Hungarian Government Institution

The Biden administration has expressed deep concern over the actions taken by the Hungarian government under the “Defense of National Sovereignty Act.” The recently established “Sovereignty Protection Office” has been targeting civil society and independent media organizations in a draconian manner, prompting criticism from the United States.

The Hungarian government’s efforts to harass and punish independent organizations go against the principles of democratic governance and the rule of law. The lack of limitations on the office’s power to infringe on human rights and fundamental freedoms is seen as a threat not only to its own citizens but also to any entities or individuals that engage with them. The United States has reiterated its support for the protection of civil society organizations and media freedom in the face of these anti-democratic measures.

According to reports from, the Sovereignty Protection Office has been focusing its attention on organizations like Transparency International and the Átlátszó media outlet. Transparency International has already challenged the establishment of the office as unconstitutional and has taken its case to the Constitutional Court. The office has sent numerous questions and demands for answers to these organizations, causing further tensions.

US ambassador to Budapest, David Pressman, has been vocal in his criticism of the Sovereignty Protection Office, drawing parallels between its actions and anti-democratic legislation seen in regimes like Putin’s Russia. The situation has raised concerns about the state of democracy and freedom of expression in Hungary.

In the midst of these developments, there have been reports of closer ties between Hungary and the United States, with the launch of direct flights from a nearby airport strengthening connections between the two countries. However, the ongoing crackdown on civil society and independent media organizations remains a point of contention in the relationship between Hungary and the Biden administration.


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