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Both New Cars he Purchased Ended up Being Damaged

Car Mechanic Suffers Loss After Buying Faulty Car

Burhan Ülgen, a 38-year-old car mechanic from Gebze, Kocaeli, recently found himself in a difficult situation after purchasing a new car from a dealership. On May 6, Ülgen bought the latest model car for 1,095,250 TL, only to discover paint issues and signs of disassembly during an expert examination a week later.

Upon realizing the problems with the car, Ülgen decided to return it to the dealership. Unfortunately, the dealer was of little help, forcing Ülgen to sell the car at a loss. Determined to get a vehicle without any defects, Ülgen purchased another brand new car of the same model on June 8 for 1,045,250 TL.

Following the purchase of his second car, Ülgen sought the opinion of an expert once again. When he learned that the new car also had painting and disassembly issues, Ülgen took legal action against the dealership through his lawyer.

Expressing his frustration, Ülgen stated, “I lost at least 100,000 TL throughout this ordeal. It has been a costly and exhausting process, involving additional expenses such as insurance policies, taxes, and appraisals for both vehicles. We have initiated a lawsuit and are demanding either a replacement vehicle in perfect condition or compensation for our financial losses. We urge the dealer to take responsibility and address this issue promptly.”

The case serves as a cautionary tale for consumers to thoroughly inspect vehicles before making a purchase and to seek legal recourse when faced with deceitful practices by dealerships.


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