
Bountiful Summer Harvest Boosts Agricultural Supply and Exports

Summer Harvest Concludes with Sufficient Storage Capacity for Hungarian Crops

The summer harvest in Hungary concluded on July 24 with minimal adverse effects, and storage capacity is reported to be sufficient for this year’s crops. The Ministry of Agriculture has confirmed that most of the harvested crops are already stored, ensuring a steady supply of fresh bread for Hungarian families.

Zsolt Feldman, the Secretary of State for Agriculture and Rural Development, commended the hard work of farmers, which has resulted in an average harvest compared to previous years. While there was a reduction in sown areas, favorable yields in several crops have offset this decrease, with the exception of winter oilseed rape.

One significant highlight is that the country’s supply of summer crops is secure, with a notable export surplus. The winter wheat harvest is nearly complete, with a national average yield of 5.8 tons per hectare from 864,500 hectares. This yield is slightly higher than last year and the five-year average, with the highest yields recorded in Southern and Western Hungary counties.

The total wheat harvest is projected to be nearly 5 million tons, covering both domestic consumption and milling needs. Current wheat prices suggest that bread production costs should remain stable, not exceeding HUF 100 (25 Euro-cents) per kilogram.

In addition to winter wheat, other crops like winter barley, spring barley, rye, oats, triticale, autumn swede rape, and seed peas have also been harvested across the country with varying yields. Despite some challenges due to weather conditions, the overall harvest results are promising for Hungarian farmers.

Overall, the successful completion of the summer harvest coupled with sufficient storage capacity bodes well for the agricultural sector in Hungary. With a secure supply of crops and potential for export, the future looks promising for the country’s agricultural industry.



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