
BRTK and ARIKLI pledge to continue cooperation in preventing information crimes

Minister of Public Works and Transportation Calls for Increased Awareness and Punishment for Internet Crimes

In a recent statement, Minister of Public Works and Transportation Erhan Arikli emphasized the importance of using the internet in a safe manner and stressed the need for increased punishment to deter cyber crimes. Arikli also announced plans for a workshop on IT crimes in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, highlighting the importance of collaboration with various institutions and organizations in Turkey.

During a meeting with officials including Eskişehir Bar Association President Barış Günaydın and representatives from the IT Technologies and Communication Authority and the Turkish Informatics Association, Minister Arikli discussed the evolving landscape of information technologies and the necessity to update laws accordingly.

“We have laws in place regarding IT crimes, but with the rapid advancements in technology, it is crucial to keep up with these changes,” Arikli stated. He praised the cooperation between BTHK, the Turkish Informatics Association, and other relevant entities, emphasizing the need for training programs and workshops to address the challenges posed by cyber crimes.

The upcoming workshop on IT crimes, scheduled to take place in the coming months, aims to bring together experts and professionals to identify areas in need of legislative updates in the field of informatics crimes. Minister Arikli expressed his gratitude to the Eskişehir Bar Association, Eskişehir Tepebaşı Municipality, and the Turkish Informatics Association for their collaboration on this important initiative.

As technology continues to advance, the Minister’s call for increased awareness and punishment for internet crimes serves as a reminder of the ongoing efforts to create a safer online environment for all users.



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