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Car Dangles Over Impact Site

A dramatic car accident took place in the Subayevler district of Keçiören recently. The incident involved a car driven by someone identified as MAY, who lost control of their vehicle and crashed into the traffic lights on the median strip. The impact was so severe that the car ended up hanging over another vehicle, which was being driven by ST and was waiting for the green light to turn on.

Fortunately, despite the intensity of the collision, there were no fatalities or injuries reported as a result of this accident. The image captured at the scene shows the aftermath of the crash, with the skidding car visibly suspended over the other vehicle it had collided with.

Authorities are continuing to investigate the circumstances surrounding the accident to determine the cause of the driver losing control. It serves as a stark reminder of the importance of practicing safe driving habits and remaining vigilant on the roads to prevent such incidents from occurring in the future.



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