
Celebrating the Restoration of the Heroes Monument from the 1848-49 Freedom Fight in Transylvania

A ceremony in Eresteghin (Eresztevény), Transylvania, marked the dedication of the renewed tomb of Áron Gábor, a Szekler cannon maker killed in the 1849 Battle of Kökös. The event was attended by Tamás Vargha, Secretary of State of the Ministry of Defense, who emphasized the importance of remembering and honoring heroes amid current global conflicts.

The monument, originally erected in 1892, now features a wheeled cannon as per the original plan, coinciding with the 175th anniversary of Gábor’s death. In his speech, Mr. Vargha highlighted the moral imperative of honoring heroes, stating that they remind us of what we have to lose and defend.

Sándor Tamás, President of the Covasna County Council, spoke about Gábor’s legacy and the challenges of preserving his memory, mentioning the desecration of his grave by Cossacks. The completion of the monument, including a stone-carved wheeled cannon, was celebrated as a restoration of Szekler dignity.

The restoration was a collaborative effort involving organizations such as the Rotary Club of Sfântu Gheorghe (Sepsiszentgyörgy) and the Hármas Foundation, based on original plans by Gyárfás Győző. Following the ceremony, attendees paid tribute at Gábor’s bust at the nearby Benke mansion and visited an exhibition titled “The Candles of the War of Independence,” opened by the Liszt Institute in Sfântu Gheorghe.

Áron Gábor (1814-1849) was a Szekler landowner, master carpenter, Hungarian national hero, and artillery officer in the 1848-49 Revolution and War of Independence. He died in battle from a Russian artillery strike and is buried in Eresteghin, where a memorial was erected in his honor.

The event served as a reminder of the importance of historical remembrance and honoring those who sacrificed for their nation. It showcased the unity and significance of heroes like Áron Gábor, whose legacy continues to inspire and shape the identity of the community.



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