
Central Asia Enhances Cooperation in Key Sectors, Expert Reports

The recent sixth consultative meeting of Central Asian heads of state held on Aug. 9 has been a significant milestone in enhancing cooperation among the countries in the region. According to Askar Nursha, deputy director of the Kazakhstan Institute of Strategic Studies (KazISS), the outcomes of the meeting indicate substantial progress in areas such as transport, trade, and agriculture.

In an interview with Zakon.kz news agency, Nursha emphasized that Central Asian countries are now ready to take a more proactive approach in their regional interactions. He highlighted the importance of deepening regional cooperation and establishing a solid foundation for coordinating institutions to address common challenges and pursue mutual interests.

Consultative meetings like the one in Astana play a crucial role in reshaping regional relations and laying the groundwork for closer collaboration. Nursha underscored the need for increased economic ties within Central Asia, emphasizing the importance of improving transportation, developing transport corridors, and enhancing cargo transportation efficiency across borders.

Furthermore, cooperation in agriculture is identified as a top priority to ensure food security, meet market demands, and boost export capabilities in the agro-industrial sector. Nursha commended the collective efforts of Central Asian leaders in driving progress and leveraging regional cooperation to enhance the resilience of national economies amidst global economic challenges.

The expansion of the regional interaction agenda since the inaugural consultative meeting in 2018 reflects the growing intensity of economic ties and political dialogue among Central Asian countries. With new areas and topics being introduced in discussions, the countries demonstrate their willingness to engage and collaborate within a five-party format.

Notably, progress on regional cooperation was marked by the resolution of issues from the previous fifth Consultative Meeting in Dushanbe, including the institutionalization of the ‘five’ format and the appointment of national coordinators from each country. Nursha concluded that Central Asian cooperation is a vital policy tool for navigating globalization challenges and fostering sustainable development in the region.



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