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Challenging Silage Corn Harvest – The Latest Updates

Hatay, located in Turkey, is a region known for its fertile lands that yield a wide variety of products. These lands have become a source of hope for the people of the region, particularly in the aftermath of the recent earthquake. Agriculture, which has played a crucial role in the city’s recovery, continues to thrive and expand with each passing day.

The latest harvest of silage corn in the Üçgüllük Neighborhood of Arsuz district is a testament to the resilience and determination of the local farmers. The Kiremitçi family, who have been working tirelessly on their 100-acre field, have started harvesting their crops after months of hard work.

Armağan Kiremitçi, a 35-year-old farmer, expressed his satisfaction with the harvest, stating, “We planted 100 acres in May and our harvest has just begun. We produce silage, which goes directly to feed our animals. We have been able to harvest nearly 8.5 to 9 tons per acre, and the daily wages we receive are a fair compensation for our labor.”

Despite the challenges posed by the scorching heat, the farmers are determined to continue their work and deliver their produce to various locations such as Dörtyol, Erzin, and Osmaniye. The extreme heat has made working conditions difficult for the farmers and the drivers, but their perseverance and dedication to their craft remain unwavering.

As the harvest season progresses, the people of Hatay can look forward to enjoying the fruits of their labor and witnessing the continued growth and prosperity of their agricultural sector. The fertile lands of Hatay continue to be a beacon of hope and opportunity for the region, proving that with hard work and determination, anything is possible.



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