
Charge Your iPhone in Seconds with Swippitt IPS Desktop Station

At CES 2025, the Swippitt IPS instant charging system for smartphones stole the spotlight as one of the top products showcased at the event. This innovative system offers a convenient and rapid charging solution for smartphones, eliminating the hassle of searching for a power outlet or wireless charging station.

The Swippitt IPS is a desktop docking station that can simultaneously charge up to five smartphone batteries, each with a capacity of 3500 mAh. The Swippitt software efficiently manages all connected batteries, monitors power consumption levels, and optimizes the charging process for maximum effectiveness. The Swippitt Link developers made sure that the station is compatible with a variety of protective cases and additional batteries that can double the autonomy of the device.

One of the most impressive features of the Swippitt IPS is its quick battery replacement system. When a smartphone is placed in the docking station, the original Link battery case is automatically replaced with a fully charged unit in just two seconds. The system is capable of replacing the next unit in only four seconds, ensuring that your smartphone is always ready to go. Additionally, the Swippitt app allows users to track their smartphone’s location, access battery information, and manage the security system.

Overall, the Swippitt IPS instant charging system offers a convenient and efficient solution for smartphone users who are tired of dealing with slow charging times and constantly searching for power sources. With its innovative features and seamless operation, it’s no wonder why this product was a standout at CES 2025.

Photo: techcult.ru



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