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Child Protection Hotline ‘DUY’ Launched

Minister of Family and Social Services, Mahinur Özdemir Göktaş, has provided valuable information regarding the Ministry’s efforts to protect and ensure the healthy development of children through protective and preventive services.

Göktaş emphasized the importance of safeguarding children from various dangers and harmful content, stating, “The well-being and future of our children are of utmost importance. To support their healthy development and shield them from harmful influences, we have launched the Child-Friendly Applications website and reporting line. Through this platform, we are conducting a comprehensive information and awareness campaign targeting children, families, and society as a whole.”

“We must remain vigilant in safeguarding our children against the risks posed by the digital world,” Göktaş added. The Minister highlighted the plethora of resources and guidance available to families on topics such as book and toy selection, privacy awareness, and protective parenting. Additionally, educational materials on cyberbullying, online gaming, and digital addiction have been provided to aid parents in navigating the challenges of the digital age.

In the ongoing battle against harmful content, Minister Göktaş stressed the need for public participation. The DUY Reporting Platform allows citizens to easily report concerning content, publications, and applications that may pose risks to children. Reports received via WhatsApp and Bip are evaluated 24/7 by the General Directorate of Child Services.

Citizens are encouraged to utilize the reporting line “0530 918 11 17” to flag inappropriate content. Minister Göktaş assured that all reports are diligently assessed and escalated to the relevant authorities for necessary action.

The DUY project aims to create a safer and healthier environment for children to thrive. Minister Göktaş called upon everyone to contribute towards the protection and nurturing of our children’s future. Let us all play our part in securing a brighter tomorrow for the next generation.



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