
China Ready to Enhance Cooperation with Hungary: Chinese Ambassador in Budapest

China and Hungary are celebrating the 75th anniversary of their diplomatic relations, with the Chinese ambassador to Hungary, Gong Tao, expressing their commitment to further cooperation in the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative and the Hungarian government’s Eastern Opening policy.

During an event in Budapest, Gong Tao highlighted the strong foundation of honesty, friendship, and “win-win” cooperation between the two countries. Despite their geographical distance, both China and Hungary have respected each other’s chosen development paths and fundamental interests.

The ambassador emphasized the importance of mutual support, with Hungary standing by the One China principle and China supporting Hungary’s domestic and foreign policy decisions. He also noted that China is the biggest foreign investor in Hungary, with investments creating thousands of jobs and boosting the economy.

Bilateral trade between China and Hungary has exceeded USD 13 billion, with China being Hungary’s largest trading partner outside of the European Union. Gong Tao highlighted the significance of cargo flights and investments, making Hungary a key logistics hub between China and Europe.

Cultural and educational ties between the two countries have been strengthened, with Chinese and Hungarian people forming strong connections. Chinese President Xi Jinping’s visit to Hungary in May marked a new era in bilateral relations, elevating their partnership to a higher level.

Gong Tao reiterated both countries’ commitment to world peace and justice, opposing intervention in other countries’ internal affairs and unilateral sanctions. He praised Hungary as a communication bridge between Eastern and Western civilizations, supporting continued cooperation in various fields such as education, culture, tourism, sport, and media.

Deputy Speaker of the Hungarian parliament, János Latorcai, highlighted President Xi’s visit as a turning point in bilateral relations and praised the benefits of Hungary’s Eastern Opening policy. Hungary remains dedicated to being a bridge between East and West, fostering cooperation and partnership in today’s era of global blocs.



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