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Citizens Use CİMER to Find Solutions

CİMER Makes Positive Impact on Citizens’ Lives

CİMER (Communication Center of the Presidency) has proven to be an effective platform for citizens to address their concerns and requests to the relevant government authorities. With approximately 60 thousand administrative units registered in the system, CİMER has been instrumental in facilitating communication between citizens and public institutions.

Citizens from various provinces and districts have utilized the platform to make a wide range of requests, which have been diligently addressed by the relevant authorities. From healthcare support to civic amenities, CİMER has contributed to improving the quality of life for many individuals.

For example, after receiving a request from a citizen in Kırklareli for support in quitting smoking and the lack of available health facilities, a doctor was appointed to the Smoking Cessation Polyclinic at Kırklareli Training and Research Hospital. Similarly, a citizen’s request for a Turkish flag was fulfilled by the Provincial Press and Public Relations Director, who offered a flag as a gift upon the instructions of the governor.

The platform has also facilitated meaningful interactions, such as the Konya Police Department visiting a family to fulfill a request for a police uniform for their 12-year-old daughter who loves the police. Additionally, infrastructure issues, such as road maintenance and repairs, have been swiftly addressed in response to citizens’ applications.

Moreover, CİMER has provided support in agricultural activities, with the Muğla Agriculture and Forestry Directorate offering seedlings to a producer whose crop was affected by forest fires. The platform has also been instrumental in addressing water-related complaints by drilling boreholes and installing additional water lines in various regions.

Furthermore, CİMER has been a channel for citizens to express their gratitude and aspirations. Some citizens have shared their poems, blessings, and appreciation for President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan through the platform.

In light of its significant impact, a book entitled “Those Who Achieve Solutions with CİMER” has been released to illustrate the effectiveness of the platform in resolving citizens’ concerns. Presidential Communications Director Fahrettin Altun emphasized the pivotal role of CİMER in strengthening the relationship between the state and the citizen, as well as its contribution to shaping public policies based on citizens’ inputs.

The platform has received diverse and intriguing requests, including a 13-year-old’s appeal to go to space, and innovative ideas for technological advancements. The heartwarming experiences and positive outcomes resulting from citizens’ applications to CİMER highlight the platform’s value in serving the needs and aspirations of the people.

Overall, CİMER has emerged as an indispensable platform that fosters dialogue between citizens and public institutions, demonstrating a commitment to improving the lives of individuals across Turkey. As it continues to evolve, CİMER remains a beacon of hope for citizens seeking support and solutions to their challenges.


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