
Commitment to Safeguarding Purchasing Power: BRTK’s Decisive Actions

National Unity Party (UBP) Chairman and Prime Minister Ünal Üstel recently conveyed his wishes for the celebrations in Famagusta and Iskele, congratulating the party members and the public in those regions. In a statement, Üstel highlighted the government’s commitment to taking decisive actions to safeguard the purchasing power of the citizens.

During the festivities, Ünal Üstel was accompanied by his wife Zerrin Üstel, UBP Secretary General Oğuzhan Hasipoğlu, as well as various ministers including Dursun Oğuz, Nazım Çavuşoğlu, Hakan Dinçyürek, Sadık Gardiyanoğlu, and Hüseyin Çavuş. The UBP Famagusta District President Nahit Öncü and other members of parliament were also present at the event.

Expressing his gratitude towards the attendees for their support, Üstel emphasized the importance of unity within the UBP and the strength derived from solidarity. He assured that the party will uphold the stability they have achieved and continue to prioritize the welfare of the people.

In response to the positive feedback received regarding the decision to import meat, Ünal Üstel expressed his satisfaction with the outcome, noting that the initiative has provided the public with access to quality and affordable meat. Despite initial criticisms, the government stood firm in executing the reform and remains dedicated to preserving the purchasing power of the citizens.

Looking ahead, Üstel reassured the commitment of the UBP to taking necessary measures to support the economic well-being of the people, drawing strength from the unity and support of both the party members and the public.



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