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Continuous efforts to clear snow on roads in Hakkari’s base areas

Hakkari Special Provincial Administration Continues Snow Fight in June

Despite the arrival of June, snow combat teams in Hakkari are still hard at work battling the harsh winter conditions that persist in the region. According to a statement from the Hakkari Special Provincial Administration, efforts are ongoing to clear the roads leading to the Göllerbaşı, Düztepe, Binbir Tepe, and Davulcu base areas, which have been rendered inaccessible due to heavy snowfall.

The teams are facing significant challenges as they navigate through regions where the snow depth has reached up to 5 meters in some areas. The rugged geography of the region further complicates their task, making it difficult for them to make progress.

Despite these obstacles, the teams are determined to quickly reopen these vital roads and restore access to the base areas. Their dedicated efforts highlight the resilience and commitment of the individuals involved in this important mission.

As the snow combat teams press on in their mission, the Hakkari Special Provincial Administration is closely monitoring the situation and providing necessary support to ensure the safety and well-being of everyone in the region.



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