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Country targets 1.5% share of global capital flows

Vice President Cevdet Yılmaz Continues Reform Efforts for Development Goals

Vice President Cevdet Yılmaz recently made a statement on his social media account, emphasizing that the government is committed to implementing reforms aimed at achieving development goals through increased production and exports with the help of direct international investments.

Yılmaz highlighted the importance of the Presidential Circular on Turkey’s International Direct Investment Strategy, which was recently published in the Official Gazette and has come into effect. According to Yılmaz, this strategy serves as a roadmap for transforming Turkey into a leading investment, production, and export center in the world amid the evolving global economic landscape.

The strategy focuses on attracting high-quality investments that promote value creation, green initiatives, digital transformation, and technological advancement, ultimately leading to sustainable development and reduced current account deficit.

Under the strategy, Turkey has identified eight key investment areas, including Climate-Friendly Investments, Digital Investments, Global Supply Chain Focused Investments, Knowledge-Intensive Investments, Qualified Employment Providing Investments, Value Added Service Investments, Qualified Financial Investments, and Investments Supporting Regional Development.

Yılmaz expressed the government’s goal of increasing Turkey’s share of global capital flows through these qualified investments, aiming to reach 1.5 percent by 2028. He extended his gratitude to the institutions and organizations that contributed to the development of the strategy and its action plans, which will be implemented in collaboration with relevant stakeholders and monitored by the Investment Environment Improvement Coordination Board.

The government’s commitment to reform and strategic planning underscores its dedication to positioning Turkey as a competitive player in the international investment arena, paving the way for sustainable economic growth and development in the years to come.



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