
CTP hosts successful Ecology Meeting event at BRTK

The Republican Turkish Party (CTP) organized its first “Ecology Meeting” event, which was held at the Naci Talat Foundation. The event was attended by CTP MPs, members of the Youth Organization, and the Women’s Organization.

During the meeting, various speakers addressed the audience. Former President of the Chamber of Environmental Engineers, Nilden Bektaş Erhürman, and CTP Youth Organization Labor and Environment Secretary, İlsu Hanife Çetinkayalı, delivered speeches. Biologist Hatice Benan and Biologist Hasan Sarpten also gave interactive presentations.

Following the presentations, a question and answer session took place, allowing attendees to express their opinions on the ecological issues discussed.

İlsu Hanife Çetinkayalı, in her opening speech, emphasized that environmental problems are not limited by borders. She highlighted the interconnectedness of nature and the importance of environmental awareness in creating a sustainable future.

Çetinkayalı mentioned that the series of ecology talks and meetings will continue to cover topics such as coastal areas, wetlands, waste management, urban planning, access to clean water, and the preservation of trees and forests in Cyprus.

Nilden Bektaş Erhürman, in his speech, drew attention to the increasing destruction of nature due to construction activities and the environmental pollution caused by solid waste. He called for increased awareness and sensitivity to these issues.

The CTP’s “Ecology Meeting” event serves as a platform to raise awareness about environmental issues and foster a collective effort towards a greener future.



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