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Death toll rises to 15 in Diyarbakır fire tragedy

A devastating fire in the area between Diyarbakır’s Çınar and Mardin’s Mazıdağı districts has claimed the lives of 15 people, with the recent death of Zekiye Erdenli. The fire, which started in the rural Köksalan District of Çınar on the night of June 20, quickly spread to the Yücebağ and Yetkinler neighborhoods of Mazıdağı with the help of the wind, eventually reaching residential areas.

Among the victims were Şehmus Demir, Mazhar Demir, Taliha Demir, Nuri Demir, Rezan Yılmaz, Azad Yılmaz, Resul Yılmaz, Remzi Yılmaz, Abdurrahman Bugdaycı, Ubeydullah Buğdaycı, İsmail Yardımcı, Sinan Deviren, Kerime Erdenli, and Fadıl Demir. The loss of these individuals has left a community in mourning and shocked by the tragedy.

Authorities are investigating the cause of the fire and working to contain its spread to prevent further devastation. The local government and emergency response teams are offering support to the affected families and communities during this difficult time.

As the nation mourns the loss of these individuals, efforts are being made to prevent such tragedies in the future and ensure the safety of all residents in the region.


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