
Decreasing Home Office Opportunities Despite High Demand

Hungarians Push for More Remote Working Opportunities

According to a report by the World economy, Hungarians believe that working from home is essential, but nearly 60 percent of workers are required to go to the office every day of the week. Surprisingly, many workplaces do not allow the implementation of home offices, even when the nature of the job would permit it. Employees are increasingly seeking more opportunities for remote work, but the reality is that this option is becoming discouraged in many cases.

While some jobs require physical presence in the office, there are many intellectual tasks that can be performed remotely. However, in sectors like public administration in Hungary, office work is still the norm. Only 21 percent of employers in Hungary currently offer remote working options, where employees can work entirely from home.

The most popular compromise seems to be a hybrid system, combining office work with remote opportunities. According to a survey conducted by job portal, 46 percent of employees prefer this hybrid model, while only 14 percent never want to go to the office. Interestingly, 27 percent of respondents expressed a preference for office work over remote working.

Research has shown that even before the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a growing demand for flexibility among employees. The shift to home offices during the pandemic was generally well-received by workers. A survey by Erste Bank revealed that a majority of respondents considered remote work to be a basic or very important requirement. This sentiment was particularly strong among residents of Budapest and rural areas.

It’s important to note that not every employee desires a completely remote setup. Factors like a pleasant work environment, effective communication systems, and strong human relations also play a crucial role in job satisfaction. Ultimately, a company that fosters a positive work culture, provides learning opportunities, and encourages a sense of community is more likely to retain a valuable workforce.

In conclusion, while there is a growing push for more remote working opportunities in Hungary, finding the right balance between office work and remote options is key to meeting the diverse needs of employees in different sectors.


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