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Devastating floods and landslides hit Artvin due to heavy rainfall

Heavy Rain Causes Chaos in Artvin

The city of Artvin experienced heavy rain in the evening hours, causing chaos and disruption to daily life. The downpour was particularly effective in Arhavi, where streets and avenues were inundated with rainwater, making it difficult for drivers and pedestrians to navigate. The rising water level in the Kapisre Creek passing through the district center prompted security measures to be taken, including the evacuation of residents from the industrial site around the creek and a nearby student dormitory as a precautionary measure.

Bedriye Yarar, a 56-year-old resident of the Sundura Neighborhood in Hopa, was rescued by AFAD and Hopa Search and Rescue Teams after being trapped while collecting tea due to the rain. In total, 32 village roads were closed to traffic, with 18 in Arhavi, 8 in Borçka, and 6 in Hopa, due to floods and landslides. Efforts to reopen these closed roads were initiated by the Provincial Special Administration, Highways, DSİ, and district municipality teams.

Governor Cengiz Ünsal of Artvin inspected the affected districts of Arhavi and Hopa following the heavy rain. He emphasized the importance of taking preemptive measures to respond quickly and effectively to emergencies that may arise throughout the province and in the Arhavi district. Governor Ünsal also commended the ongoing meticulous work of emergency response teams to ensure the safety of residents and readiness against potential new rainfall and flood risks.

The city of Artvin remains on high alert as the authorities continue to monitor the situation closely and work diligently to mitigate the impacts of the heavy rain and prevent further disturbances in the region.



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